Anime World Order Show # 1 – The Legacy of Shame Begins

It’s our inaugural podcast! After we introduce ourselves, Clarissa offers up a review of Ai Yazawa’s manga title Nana, Gerald discusses the Often Overlooked classic Animal Treasure Island, and Daryl rants about Fortune magazine’s attempt to get investors for a live action Evangelion.

It’s our inaugural podcast! Find out about the trumped-up credentials of our Japanese cartoon-viewing hosts and why you should listen to us instead of those other podcasts that AREN’T recorded on Skype! (00:00 – 11:48)

Let’s News! (11:48 – 23:38)

Bandai Visual enters the US anime market, and ADV is dubbing Macross! Again! It’s different from Robotech, no really!

Review (23:39 – 32:17)

Clarissa explains it all by telling us all about the Nana manga by Ai Yazawa. See? We CAN write sentences that aren’t exclamations!

Often Overlooked (32:18 – 42:02)

Gerald weighs in on Discotek’s new DVD release, Animal Treasure Island. Hey, Hayao Miyazaki worked on that!

Rotating Segment – The Soapbox Rant / Conspiracy Theory (42:03 – 1:03:40)

Daryl Surat doesn’t have a recliner of rage just yet, but that doesn’t stop him from ranting and raving about Fortune magazine’s recent article on anime. Bet you didn’t know that it’s all a secret plan to make investors interested in funding ADV’s live-action Evangelion movie, huh?! As this a rotating segment, this won’t be something done every week. Future episodes will include things such as creator spotlights, convention coverage, hentai / yaoi discussion, and so on.

Closing (1:03:41 – 1:05:51)

So what do you think, folks? None of us have any podcasting or audio editing experience, so if there’s any suggestions you have about the format or content of the show, or if there are technical details we should be made aware of, send an email to and let us know! For added fun, record an MP3 and email it to us, and we’ll play it on the next show! And if you’re as new to listening to podcasts as we are to making them, note that you can subscribe to the RSS feed by either using one of those little buttons
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