Anime World Order Show # 54b – Special All-Daryl Edition…Almost

Please don’t let this be your first impression of this podcast. Please? Show 54 continues with Daryl’s advance review of 009-1…but due to technical difficulties and the onset of madness, Daryl decided to record the remaining segments…BY HIMSELF. As such, this is probably the single worst segment of AWO ever.

Introduction (0:00 – 21:47)
Feedback time! Dane from Anime Pacific left a comment on this very blog you’re reading now regarding our bonus discussion on bootlegs. Since he lives in Hong Kong where a lot of the bootleggers are/were located, he’s got some insight. First time emailer Tim wants to know about James Bond influences in anime, and Daryl deliberately avoids mentioning Licensed By Royalty even though Jonathan Klein once said over IRC to give it more than one episode. Still, he dubbed the thing, so there’s no telling what tricks are up his sleeve. Future show guest Ryan Gavigan writes to let us know the connection between anime fandom and the Chicago Cubs (other than “they’re full of LOSERS! HAW HAW HAW HAW!”), and a 33 year-old geezer named Jeffrey has had his interest in Japanese cartoons rekindled thanks to us. And what’s the deal with these kids today, with their hair and their clothes and their rock and roll music? He wanted suggestions for space opera anime which we hadn’t already mentioned in the first 30 shows, and Daryl totally flaked.

Let’s News! (21:47 – 33:25)
In lieu of Gerald’s presence, Daryl presents the vital anime news of the week in a calm, objective fashion while discussing their greater ramifications. A small comicbook publisher named Seven Seas Entertainment was planning on publishing a lolicon manga in the US, but it got canceled. It’s been a crazy week as far as these issues go, what with the Adam Hughes statue hubbub and the quasi-porn cover to Heroes for Hire (aka a crappy comic nobody reads because it’s the Marvel equivalent to Birds of Prey), and this was just the icing on the cake. Do you suppose these tiny companies that release lots of those manga-inspired comicbooks actually benefit from all the negative publicity that results when those outside of the anime/manga/comics circles find out about some of the stuff they’re putting out? Did “Yaoi Press” (which, once again, does not actually release manga) benefit from all that Wal-Mart craziness? Daryl doubts that whole “no such thing as bad publicity” thing, but he already made the Don Imus reference somewhere else.

For years people have considered the feasibility of holding an anime convention for older fans, but the Providence Anime Conference (so yeah, it’s not technically a “con”) is the first to actually give it a shot. It’s an event solely for those over the age of 21. But despite the basic outlines stated in the FAQ, will this really be different from an ordinary anime con? I mean, it’s not like every single Narutard we know isn’t already over 21 anyway. And even though they say it won’t be awash in pornography, isn’t there a very good chance that’s what the dealers and artists are going to load up on? No clue. Could be awesome, could be wretched; we’ll just have to wait and see how it turns out. It’s not for a whole year anyway.

Promo: R5 Central (33:25 – 34:43)
Daryl has heard several episodes of R5 Central and has played several of the promos. Therefore, he was more than capable of making his very own promo for the show. Bet you can’t distinguish it from the genuine article. Mike, eternally grateful, retaliates with this, the opening to the 1960s live-action 009-1:

Review: 009-1 (34:44 – 1:00:14)
For the record: Shotaro Ishi[no]mori did indeed create “Power Rangers” with the super sentai series Himitsu Sentai Goranger from 1975. Anyway. The problem with “girls with guns” of recent years is the unnecessary loli-bait, and so it is that in order to create a floating beacon of light amidst the turmoil and darkness (“fight, Corn Dog 7! Last ditch bid for freedom!”), anime has had to reach back to a manga from 40 years ago in order to restore balance to the world. The “Dave and Joel Show Notes 2.0” style shall suffice for the rest of this, since Dave’s dream is to have a girl with wide hips (and therefore, mad badonkadonk) beat him up, sleep with him, and then kill him, not necessarily in that order. Sorry Dave, but as wonderful as Black Lagoon may be, Revy is sporting one of the most hideous tattoos ever conceived. Neck/shoulder/arm? That’s an instant downgrade from “hot chick” to “Mike Tyson’s face.” Dear humanity: stop getting tattoos. They all look crappy and only make you look uglier. Daryl Surat, Arbiter of Taste, has spoken.

This review is about:

James Bond references
The 1960s

Yumiko Shaku’s main claim to fame is as a [photo]gravure model, which probably means that to land this voice acting gig she had to let this dude, the producer, have sex with her. Actually, that’s probably how they select most voice actresses for roles.

I miss the old style Dave and Joel notes that were all pretending to be like, chat log excerpts.

Gerald: This is the worst episode of AWO ever.
Clarissa: Yeah, until next week.

81 Replies to “Anime World Order Show # 54b – Special All-Daryl Edition…Almost”

  1. You see Clarissa, that’s why I wanted you to be there when this piece of news was discussed…

    And no, “boo hoo my shota community didn’t get deleted” either, but there are many other things that piss me off about these events, Clarissa mentioned quite a few of them. One of them is that it’s next to impossible to have a proper, calm and intelligent discussion about the subject without one of the sides (usually both) getting really angry and personal.

  2. So you’re not going to use my voicemail until AFTER Anime Expo? Nan De Fuck? You WANT to keep AX comments out of phase by 1 year, if you want me to send you anything about this one? (Which, BTW, they need to rename to frigging J-Rock Expo, by the look of it… pretty soon all cons will have one shabby room at the back roped off as the anime ghetto while all the cool kids go listen to the too loud music they don’t understand!)

  3. I am fascinated with how you try to paint yourself as a nerd with a very narrow field of interest, living in hell as some sort of anime martyr compared to people with multiple areas of expertise. I don’t buy it, Daryl, not coming from a celebrity podcaster with a wide berth of knowledge about many different shows. Anime is hardly a narrow or specialized field. It’s a broad spectrum of genres and properties. You’re no different from those jack of all trades type braggarts you’re so annoyed with. You get no sympathy from me for being a nerd with a specialized field of interest when anime cons pull tens of thousands of attendees and Transformers conventions are lucky to break 2,000. Being a fan of Transformers or any other one media property to the exclusion of all else is TRUE fanboy nerd martyrdom.

  4. I don’t buy it, Daryl, not coming from a celebrity podcaster with a wide berth of knowledge about many different shows. Anime is hardly a narrow or specialized field. It’s a broad spectrum of genres and properties.

    OK, please explain what direct connection does anime have to World of Warcraft, Kingdom Hearts, Silent Hill, J-Rock, modding you Honda/Toyota/Japanese Import, Surviving a Zombie Apocalypse, how to dress as the opposite sex, programming a computer game, Linux, board games, designer contact lenses, or Silent Hill?

    All of these are present at anime conventions in droves or have had panels dedicated to them. Is this the sort of stuff that anime encompasses? I mean anime conventions are supposed to be about Japanese animation and manga right? Is a girl who goes dressed as a goth Mario from Super Mario Brothers encompassing the same interests in anime as the guy who goes to panels to discuss Robotech or Death Note?

    I guess maybe this wasn’t your direct point, but it sort of strikes a nerve when people suggest that everything that Generation Y does is therefore, fare game for anime fandom. That’s what has basically turned anime conventions into the, Let’s Just Do Whatever We Are Currently Into Now And Fuck It If It Has Anything To Do With Anime At An Anime Convention.

    All three of us have a wide range of interests outside of anime, we just don’t discuss them on the podcast since they’re not anime related and we decided when we started this thing to not turn it into the catch-all podcasts that so many other podcasts are.

    Ah well, I’m typing this up really late and so there’s probably something stupid I wrote in there so I’m just going to leave it be.

  5. OK, please explain what direct connection does anime have to World of Warcraft, Kingdom Hearts, Silent Hill, J-Rock, modding you Honda/Toyota/Japanese Import, Surviving a Zombie Apocalypse, how to dress as the opposite sex, programming a computer game, Linux, board games, designer contact lenses, or Silent Hill?

    Well, the “dress as the opposite sex” and “designer contact lenses” panels would presumably be, and I believe generally are, related to cosplay, which can be related directly to anime and manga as long as you’re cosplaying characters from those.

    Also, tokusatsu isn’t anime or manga either, but I didn’t hear you (or Daryl) bitching about that during or after that toku panel we went to Sunday at AFO, and that you liked. Not to mention Panel of Doom/Anime Hell/etc, which generally have tons of non-anime content, oh and then there was Final Flesh run during your hentai panel. What exactly did that have to do with hentai again? Do I even have to bring up you playing DOA in the video game room, since I already mentioned that one in previous shows?

    Honestly, I agree that stuff isn’t directly related, and it’s not like I’d think it unfair if they got rid of the WoW panels or the video game room or whatever. But seriously, I get a little tired of hearing you and Daryl bitch about it constantly then turn around and happily benefit from it. Either have your goddamn cake or eat it already.

    Now I’m going to go hope that work will stop pissing me off soon, and that maybe I can finish the rest of my stuff for the magazine. Maybe I’ll even dare to dream about catching up on LJ and fanfic.

  6. All three of us have a wide range of interests outside of anime, we just don’t discuss them on the podcast since they’re not anime related

    That clears it up for me. Thanks. I understand now that this was Daryl’s point-that it’s more hellish trying to focus on a single subject when podcasting, however multifaceted that subject may be.

    My mistake was I was interpreting his rant as an “It sucks to be me, celebrity podcaster anime nerd martyr Daryl Surat” tirade when I should have understood it to be an “It takes a lot of devotion to stay focused on one subject” tirade.

  7. Another great episode, albeit a little weird without Gerald and Clarissa.

    Did anyone else pick up Otaku USA today? I got it up at my local Barnes & Noble on the way home from work. I haven’t read a lot of it yet, but upon first browse I like the magazine a lot.

    So Gerald doesn’t have an Otaku Top 5? lol

  8. Did anyone else pick up Otaku USA today? I got it up at my local Barnes & Noble on the way home from work.

    Smeg! I forgot it came out today! And I even stopped by B&N after work today!

    Well, technically yesterday by now…

    E. Bernhard Warg
    Otakon Classic Track
    Anime’s Frank

    “Shitsurei deshita, Heya o kashite itadakimasu ka?”
    “Dame da! Anta tachi ni heya o kasanai yo, NERD!”

  9. Whoops! I meant “Shitsurei desu ka

    Like anyone’s gonna care…

    Like anyone’s even gonna recognize the quote…

    E. Bernhard Warg

  10. …Not to mention Panel of Doom/Anime Hell/etc, which generally have tons of non-anime content, oh and then there was Final Flesh run during your hentai panel. What exactly did that have to do with hentai again? Do I even have to bring up you playing DOA in the video game room, since I already mentioned that one in previous shows?

    Well, Final Flesh was Daryl’s idea so complain to him about that :P, as is Panel of Doom, Anime Hell so that’s Daryl’s territory. And I love how 30 minutes of Dead or Alive during a dead time in the con schedule, two years ago is such a big deal but oh well. Remember, at AWO we complain about crap endlessly until no one cares and after that we continue complaining.

    So Gerald doesn’t have an Otaku Top 5? lol

    I’ve got no idea what that’s about, I wasn’t ever sure I was even in the magazine. I’ll have to pick up my copy at B&N when I get the chance and when I recover from four hours of sleep after a late flight. Most of what I’ve heard about it was very positive so I’m glad to see it’s starting out well.

  11. Dude. This podcast was arguably a lot more entertaining than the previous ones I’ve heard (no offense to the other two or anything). Preach on with the anti-loli Nymphet thing, and thumbs up to a 21+ only “con.” It’s too bad the one you mentioned is on the East Coast. If it was on the West Coast though …

    My only problem with the podcast? WHAT’S WITH ALL THE HATE FOR KANON AND AIR? Those shows were great!

    Yeah, I know I’ve now lost any and all credibility with that statement. As much as I want to BE you Mr. Surat and think your way of thinking, I’m sad to say that I can’t. I just can’t.

    Anyway, thumbs up on the podcast.

  12. Congrats on the release of Otaku USA! But if I were Gerald I would be pissed. He got no love. Maybe next time Gerald. Unless of course you were just to lazy to write a full article.

  13. Congrats on the release of Otaku USA! But if I were Gerald I would be pissed. He got no love. Maybe next time Gerald. Unless of course you were just to lazy to write a full article.

    Gerald has a nice review of Tekkaman Blade in there, so he wasn’t completely ignored. The top 5 thing is a list of 5 “otaku” things the contributors are into right now. Both Daryl and Clarissa have a top 5 list, as well as Patrick Macias and several other contributors.

  14. That was Space Ghost? Hell, here I was thinking it was an obscure critical hit reference to Banjo Haran from Daitarn 3.

  15. Gerald has a nice review of Tekkaman Blade in there, so he wasn’t completely ignored.


    Hey! You’re right!

    Waitaminute, wasn’t the original Tekkaman from 1976, not 1972?
    Oops! Sorry! It was from 1975.

    Great review otherwise. I, too, found it impossible to not joke about Balzac’s name. I also find it amusing that Pegas has to turn around so D-Boy can Tek Set–why isn’t he (it?) already facing that way? 😉

    E. Bernhard Warg
    Anime’s Frank
    Otakon Classic Track

  16. I’ve been listening to the show for quite a while but I never posted a comment on it. I feel like I have to now.

    About a week ago, I was doing homework when I noticed there was a new episode. I didn’t look at what it was, I just started listening to it. I’ll be 100% honest and admit I was not expecting that. Let’s just say it was quite a shock…

    I’ve also picked up a copy of Otaku USA. The whole thing is really good but I wanted to mention: Clarissa, I especially like how you write your reviews. I don’t know how to say it but I really enjoy the way you write.

  17. Just picked up a copy of Otaku USA and subscribed. Finaly, a anime magazine that’s not complete crap.

    Keep up the good work.

    OtakuUSA forums:

  18. Loved the R5 promo. I haven’t listened to the podcast since he pulled that April Fool’s felgercarb last year.

    Aww come on now, you had to admit that was just awesome. I actually thought that people would have seen right through it at first >_>

    As for the promo…

    Like I told you after I heard it, Daryl, you are not to be allowed anywhere near a microphone again unless somebody else is present. My speakers will never be the same >_>

    And now, a marathon of Sailor Fuku Hangyaku Doumei.

  19. Aww come on now, you had to admit that was just awesome. I actually thought that people would have seen right through it at first >_>

    I enjoy an April Fool’s gag as much as the next geek (maybe moreso–I was one of the few people who didn’t want to strangle Trey Parker and Matt Stone for showing “Not Without My Anus” instead of the conclusion to the “Who is Cartman’s Father?” story), but there are two rules one needs to follow for an April Fool’s gag:

    First, it should be on April first (though I suppose April second will do in a pinch–“Pinchi no/Pinchi no/Pinchi no Renzoku/Sonna toki…”).

    Second (and with no exceptions, unlike the first), under no circumstances should one state that it is not an April Fool’s gag (especially repeatedly).

    Daryl, you are not to be allowed anywhere near a microphone again unless somebody else is present.

    Look out! He’s got a microphone! And a whole bag of clown pistols!

    Just picked up a copy of Otaku USA and subscribed. Finaly, a anime magazine that’s not complete crap.

    Agreed. I haven’t had much chance to read it, but minor nitpicks aside, I like what I’ve seen.

    E. Bernhard Warg
    Anime’s Frank
    Otakon Classic Track

    “Cruiser?” That’s a funny way to spell “Battleship!”

  20. BTW, Mike, love the screen name. Just be careful if you ever go to Hawaii – there are a lot of people there who vehemently insist that it’s “gaijinda😉

    E. Bernhard Warg
    Anime’s Frank
    Otakon Classic Track

  21. Most of you guys can spare a copy of Otaku USA for me? I had to go check both B&N and Borders today but to no avail (apparently it’s not in their records either). Sucks if someone in my town hasn’t had a clue this magazine exists yet.

    I’ll try again tomorrow in the hopes to find one (someone said Kroger’s, which is practically the only supermarket left in my town after competition was killed a few years back). if not lucky there, then I might have to wait until someone sells off an issue on eBay (I don’t like special ordering or getting things online in such an easy fashion as I want to give others a chance). Make it more challenging I say.

  22. First, it should be on April first (though I suppose April second will do in a pinch–“Pinchi no/Pinchi no/Pinchi no Renzoku/Sonna toki…”).

    Second (and with no exceptions, unlike the first), under no circumstances should one state that it is not an April Fool’s gag (especially repeatedly).

    Well that just added to the final punch ^_^

  23. Chris: I’m going to the local B&N (NYC). If I find the Otaku USA magazine, I’ll pick up an extra copy for you.

  24. James Leung Man-Fai said…
    Chris: I’m going to the local B&N (NYC). If I find the Otaku USA magazine, I’ll pick up an extra copy for you.

    Oh that is very nice of you! The thing that will derail this baby however is the fact that I did go to Kroger’s today and bought an issue (the only thing I got at the store, since I hardly ever go to supermarkets at all, especially ones still under renovation, I think they’re trying to turn mine into one of those hypermarkets).

    Still, I wouldn’t mind getting an extra copy from you, I could send it to my pal over in Kofu to check out (and perhaps share with the students in his English-teaching class). He’s pretty much gave up on the American anime fandom side for quite some time (often taking trips to Tokyo whenever he has the time off and some dough to blow).

  25. Okay, so I watched the first episode of 009-1 on the anime network (here’s a hint ADV: your british accents SUCK). The show sucked. But you said to watch the first 3. So, we’ll play it your way, Surat. This time…

  26. This is the second largest amount of responses we’ve gotten to an episode ever. Shame on you all.

    I’m pretty sure that I repeatedly made the point that the first episode of 009-1 is a bit different than the other episodes, and that a LOT of people would write off the entire series based on that first episode if not its opening scene.

    Anyway, I finally got to see Otaku USA magazine, and I would just like to say that my Otaku Top 5 was misrepresented! I specifically wanted #2 to be “The Air Sex segment from the BBC’s Japanorama” to match Clarissa and Gerald instead of just “The BBC’s Japanorama,” since I figured that if all three of us put it there, it’d make people search for it on Youtube.

    Also missing was my invitation for readers to join me on the path of otaku meifumado, but eventually I’ll sneak that in. Mark my words!

    Either have your goddamn cake or eat it already.

    I for one hope this is fully expounded upon within the all-Clarissa episode…ONCE IT’S RELEASED, HAW HAW HAW HAW*

    *J.T.C. probably doesn’t like moe or fujoshi either

  27. Finally bought and watched 009-1 (would’ve bought it as soon as it was released, but neither of my local Best Buys carried it–maybe they got burnt on 009. I blame Sony for releasing four versions when one would have done. Eventually found it at one of my local Suncoasts on sale for $20, less my discount card). DId anyone else notice the in-joke in episode 3: “Arnoul Island?”

    E. Bernhard Warg
    Anime’s Frank
    Otakon Classic Track

  28. Awesome rant in the middle!

    Sadly, Seven Seas is now an imprint of the Tor imprint of the publishing behemoth Macmillan (lookie here: ). Does that count as the pseudo-company going under or definitely not going under?

    BTW, if Japan doesn’t feel exotic enough anymore, Macmillan’s imprint First Second (lookit: ) has translated comics from Belgium and France and Italy too. 🙂

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