Anime World Order Show # 54c – The All-Gerald Experience

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It’s time, it’s time, it’s…GERALD TIME! The extra drawn-out Show 54 continues as a result of Daryl’s moving, so this week is Gerald’s review of Black Lion by the almighty Go Nagai. Egged on by Daryl’s solo recordings last week, Gerald follows suit.

Introduction (00:00 – 12:00)

In hoping to keep the pain to a minimum Gerald decided to read one viewer email. To talk about Kinokuniya Books, Gerald went to it in San Francisco about ten years ago and still has the exact manga anthology that he bought there sitting next to him. WHY? Well, because insanity is endemic in anime fandom and no other reason. Gerald also comments on the lack of anime music on iTunes and is STILL pissed off that the few songs he bought with free promotional iTunes money are lost to him forever in the world of iTunes Digital Rights Management. Also, Gerald reveals a big secret about himself in that he actually enjoys the Kingdom Hearts games, although, like the listener who wrote in, he’s not an “SUPER CRAZY INSANE FANFIC/FANART/YAOI Fan” and just enjoys them enough to borrow them. Also, as far as we know, there is no place to find all of Cyborg 009 in complete subtitled format and the closest thing to it is an Australian release of the very good dub, GOD DAMMIT SONY, YOU CAN’T STOP FUCKING UP CAN YOU!? He ends the letter segment with a commentary by R5 Central’s Mike Dent on the many times he’s been mentioned on the show.

News (12:01 – 17:54)

In the sexiest opening to the news that we’ve ever done (and also the most obscure ever, does anyone know where that strange MIDI track comes from?) Gerald talks about the recent death of one of the most recognizable composers in anime, Kentaro Haneda, with accompanying sexy music. The questionably unbiased AnimeTV is going to be shown on Comcast Cable. Of course, a video podcast, featuring a bunch of employees of Bang Zoom Entertainment, reviewing work by Bang Zoom Entertainment is, of course, going to be totally unbiased RIGHT!? Also, big surprise, there’s going to be a new Gundam TV series named Mobile Suit Gundam 00, which will be incredibly popular but will still be awful because the worst director working in anime is at the helm, Seiji Mizushima. A man who absolutely thinks he’s some sort of comedian when he’s not funny at all. No, the same joke for 52 episodes is NOT funny! It’s also being written by Yousuke Kuroda who is the most up and down writer in anime with the ability to write such amazing shows like Battle Athletes Victory, Magical Project S (probably the best Tenchi related thing done), and Ring ni Kakero, but then turns it all round to write utter shit like Please Teacher!, Panzar Dragoon (Gerald watched this show with an ADV voice actress who was embarrassed to find out later that what she was watching was something ADV put out).

Review: Black Lion (17:55 – 38:23)

Gerald came into Black Lion completely by accident when Clarissa got it free in the mail with a purchase from ADV’s website and Gerald traded for the Kenshin OAVs. Gerald is extremely glad he did so as Black Lion is quite possibly the best hour of insanity and destruction ever produced delivered like only Go Nagai can produce! The is the only show featuring cyborg ninjas/samurai, plasma bombs, time machines, fire bombs, stabbing, head crushing, missile shooting, fire spitting, beheading, head chopping (yes they are distinct), and Oda Nobunaga! What more could you possibly want! Screenshots to follow possibly.

Closing (38:24 – 39:23)

Next week, we’re not entirely sure, but it might be the all Clarissa episode, maybe, maybe not, we’ll see. Perhaps we’ll be back to the regular show, only time will tell.

91 Replies to “Anime World Order Show # 54c – The All-Gerald Experience”

  1. Well right now Rina’s sort of gained status for being of the best unofficial voices for Haruhi in fandubs of “The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya”, most of which are on Youtube. She hasn’t any official credits yet but I’m sure somebody’s bound to pick her up someday.

    But if you’re referring to 54c then I guess you’re referring to Sylene’s actress. Either way I shall pass on my regards to the both of them.

    If you really want to hear everybody in the cast at their finest, check out episode 36 of R5. It’ll clear up all confusion ^_^

  2. Ok, I am writing this due only because Gerald wrote the Tekkaman review on Otaku USA 😀
    Today I went to Best Buy and I say the first volume of this series for 19.99 and the second volume for 14.99
    Each comes with 3 dvds. It looks like a good deal to me and I know the series is pretty cool.

  3. Well, all the talk of episodes and such on R5 is frightening and confusing to me, being only an unfrozen caveman anime fan. All I know of is the Ai as appearing on the AWO voicemail/podcast rebuttal feud thingie. That is the voice that I am referring to as hot and very seiyuu in ability.

    Altho in the hands of a bad ADR director that person would be likely ruined.

  4. I watched Black Lion; it’s probably the least boring samurai anime I’ve ever seen.

    Also, uh, anyone seen the Otakon panels list? It’s kind of missing something. Although maybe the gekiga panel is run by someone here?

  5. I watched Black Lion; it’s probably the least boring samurai anime I’ve ever seen.

    Glad someone else likes it. Hope it lives up to everyone else’s expectations. Wrath of the Ninja could really learn something from Go Nagai.

    Also, uh, anyone seen the Otakon panels list? It’s kind of missing something. Although maybe the gekiga panel is run by someone here?

    I believe the Gekiga panel is being run by the Geek Night’s guys. I may or may not be accompanying them on it, I’m not entirely sure yet, but it’s 18+ so if I am on it, I’ll be able to pull out the biggest guns of gekiga there are!

  6. What was that one anime that starts out with samurai fighting each other, and then all of a sudden TANKS COME OUT OF FUCKING NOWHERE and run over all of them?

  7. halojones-fan said…

    What was that one anime that starts out with samurai fighting each other, and then all of a sudden TANKS COME OUT OF FUCKING NOWHERE and run over all of them?

    Are we talking about Samurai 7? I don’t know but that’s what it sounds like. Little help anyone?

  8. It may be a little while yet. I’ve actually already finished buying my new place, moving (mostly), and I do have my new Internet connection set up. However, since I recorded a solo episode and Gerald also recorded a solo episode, popular demand and the necessity of equal opportunity/suffering dictates that Clarissa should also record a solo episode. Even though now that I have a stable Internet connection it is officially unnecessary.

    She’s been busy at work as of late, but with any luck something will be out next week. If not, I guess I can release some sort of thing regarding the random recordings I took at the Florida Supercon (

    Would they reveal THE TRUTH? PERHAPS.

  9. Screw this! I want the Clarissa episode now! I have nightmares of possible AWO episodes with a squeaky voiced Clarissa, it’s no good for my sanity. All this manliness(?) is getting tiresome. Cinch the deal and give the yaoi review already. Or even better get Gerald to review yaoi because he is the epitome of manliness after that ball punching episode, he needs to review yaoi now.

    How was Florida Supercon? Did it suck like I thought it would? Ever since I heard that Chris Patton wasn’t going I felt that they have crossed the point of no return and it was the end of the start of any future South Florida based conventions of that size.

  10. Note from JAFAX this weekend (6/24/07).

    Overweight guy wearing purple ‘Yaoi is Wowie’ tee shirt standing next to young girl in catears, trying to pretend he’s looking at stuff and not just existing to stand next to her.


  11. Also I have to confess a sin.

    I could have picked up a subbed VHS copy of Dog Soldier for a buck, and I didn’t do it.

    Flog me! Flay me!

    I did score the AnimEigo VHS of Dagger of Kamui, so I get some points for that, right? RIGHT? I CRAVE THE APPROVAL OF THE INTERWEBS!

  12. Steve Harrison said…

    I did score the AnimEigo VHS of Dagger of Kamui, so I get some points for that, right? RIGHT? I CRAVE THE APPROVAL OF THE INTERWEBS!

    Yeah, yeah Steve, you win. Three points for effort and technique but no bonus points on account that you didn’t check that Dallos was available in the dealers room. Oh, well. Here’s help

    I could have picked up a subbed VHS copy of Dog Soldier for a buck, and I didn’t do it.

    Flog me! Flay me!

    No, Steve. You get a stay of execution. A man can only go through so much trauma at a con in one day.


    And for the truly hardcore, purchase Revenge of the Ninja Warrior and Blade of Kamui!

  14. Karaoke said…


    But why not? It’s such a tour de force of talented cinematic genius!

    Just like you said on the podcast 😉

  15. Am I the only one who hasn’t bothered with the Gerald episodes at all? He’s just so off-base on just about everything, but at the same time not funny like the other two hosts, that I figure it’s just a waste of time.

    Because if I’m going to listen to a podcast about old fringe anime and even older more obscure manga, then I want the experience to be at least entertaining.

  16. (hey, something’s screwed up with the verify thingie! is this being hacked? WARNING!)

    Blade of Kamui? Wrath of the Ninja? Sheesh, I’ve had those since they came out. throw something tough at me!

    I’m one of those fools that actually taped ‘Starbirds’ off CBN back in the ’80s!

    And what is this hating on Gerald’s solo work?! He was AWESOME!

  17. Nah. The second half was better because he was going batshit crazy.
    It also was only 40 minutes…not really satisfying.

  18. I really do think Gerald should pull away from AWO and create his own spinoff show called ‘Gerald Explains It All’.

    The quality of AWO is in decline. We need more obscure anime, not the latest trendy stuff thats littered all over the web.

  19. The Gerald episode was great, all the episodes are great, I just wish I didn’t have to wait 6 months between them.

    Get a chance to write for a magazine, abandon your podcast. I see how it is now.

  20. I have another volume of manga to proof, and no new episode of A.W.O. to listen to…but I’ll just have to show that gaman.


  21. Ridiculous! The hosts can’t split up. There powers alone won’t be able to produce an awesome podcast. We need them together. What decline are you talking about?

  22. See, this is all part of a plan. It has to be.

    Do the solo episodes, let the crowd get antsy between them, and then reform the group and blow the roof off the joint with an all-new episode.

  23. Jeff Tatarek said…

    See, this is all part of a plan. It has to be.

    Do the solo episodes, let the crowd get antsy between them, and then reform the group and blow the roof off the joint with an all-new episode.

    For f%£k’s sake, don’t do something stupid and say you’re bigger than Jesus!

  24. Will the AWO ever come back strong after these huge gaps in content, or has the shark been jumped?

    My guess is we see the Clarissa episode some time this week, then 3 weeks + before another episode 🙁

    Do the three cast members live far apart in Florida (assuming they all live there)?

    AWO is like a drug. I just wish I had somewhere else to turn to get my fix, but most of the anime podcasts I’ve tried adapting to are the product of spastic Bleach fans and almost unlistenable.

    Oh yeah review Bounty Dog. Does anyone else in the world like Bounty Dog?

  25. Whew. Am I the only guy here that’s glad he didn’t have to turn in his Man card in identifying the Ai voice on that rebuttal as being female? Err, it is female right? 🙂

  26. << Err, it is female right? :) Given that Mike set up auditions for a FEMALE amature voice actress for the role and a FEMALE amature VA got it. Logic points to “Yes”. Seriosuly, Clarissa, get on with it, we want to hear your madness.

  27. Dear AWO,

    Just discovered the podcast and I’m really enjoying catching up to previous episodes. A few compliments and critiques however:

    1) You guys make a big deal about pronouncing the word manga correctly, but somehow don’t maintain that consistency of pronounciation with all the titles of the shows or manga you mention. It doesn’t happen too often, but whenever I hear Gerald say Urusei Yatsura I cringe. Sorry if this sounds harsh, but if you’re making such an effort to correctly pronounce the word manga, why not the titles of the shows?

    2) I like the format and aesthetic of the show. Very few podcasts or blogs really focus on good work (whether old or new) and I like the fact that you don’t just review what’s out or hot right now, which leads to my third point.

    3) Why haven’t you reviewed Future Boy Conan yet? From Daryl’s taste of Ghibli (“jibli”) fare I would expect it to be reviewed by now, especially considering how important this series was, or rather still is, to anime. I can somewhat understand why it hasn’t been licensed here, but there’s no reason why any anime fan should not watch this. Would Dragonball really exist if it wasn’t for Conan? Much less the future of Ghibli and most other groundbreaking series after that?

    Well, keep up the good work. I am enjoying the reviews, the comedy, and the otakuness of it all.


  28. You guys make a big deal about pronouncing the word manga correctly, but somehow don’t maintain that consistency of pronounciation with all the titles of the shows or manga you mention. It doesn’t happen too often, but whenever I hear Gerald say Urusei Yatsura I cringe. Sorry if this sounds harsh, but if you’re making such an effort to correctly pronounce the word manga, why not the titles of the shows?

    Hey now, how can you possibly listen to us if I misprounce “Urusei Yatsuura” incorrectly when we misprounce “anime” ALL the time? We’ve never prnounced it the correct way, “Ah-ne-may”. That alone, regardless of the few times I’ve said Urusei Yatsuura wrong should have turned it into a cringathon.

  29. Hey, Tyler (Rangercast) here. I occasionally go googling for RC to see who’s talking about us. Yes I’m an SA goon. No, I don’t know the girl who does Mike’s new sidekick’s voice.


  30. As a kid I actually did kill my hamster by squeezing her too hard. Her intestines came out her ass hole. Also hamsters don’t eat their young because they are stupid, but because they are weak. The average hamster will have a life filled with being squeezed by children, so hamsters correct their mistake of breeding the weak by eating them. Hamsters are very Go Nagai, you don’t even know

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