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Are we deliberately trying to get people to stop listening to us? Not only is this episode late, it’s also nearly three hours long. THREE. HOURS. LONG. Why, just think of all the OTHER podcasts that you could listen to in the time it takes to just hear this one. Ones that you actually LIKE. Or the music you could listen to! And it’s the moment you’ve been dreading: another all-mecha podcast! Gerald reviews Space Runaway Ideon, Clarissa tells us about Gravion, and Daryl might need a helping hand with Godannar. Huh huh, huh huh.
We TRIPLE DOG DARE YOU to listen to this whole thing. Hmm, Christmas isn’t for another month and change. We should have waited before escalating to that level of dare.
Show notes? As in, something you could use to maybe, NOT listen to nearly 3 hours of our monotone droning voices? Ha! I bet you’d like to see that, wouldn’t you? Well, here you go. Not interested in what we’re talking about (perhaps as a result of hearing Destroy All Podcasts ST not be able to hate on us because we bored them too much)? Just skip to the part you like. Listening on a portable MP3 player or something else where you can’t easily fast forward? Just hit Pause or Stop or Delete or whatever once you’re bored. Don’t worry, we won’t be angry.
Introduction (0:00 – 30:37)
Nothing turns anime fans away faster than by talking about Gundam, right? Boy, 30 minute “introduction,” huh? How many emails do you suppose we answered in that 30 minutes? Seventy five? Fifty? Try ONE. That’s right. One email.
Let’s News! (30:37 – 48:27)
In an attempt to make the news segment more timely, we’ve decided to record this long after everything else, once the rest of the show is edited entirely. Hooray for Vertical Inc! The one hour block of Gerald starts here, ladies!
Review: Space Runaway Ideon (48:27 – 1:21:49)
Don’t forget to use that voicemail number! Following the news segment, it’s only fitting that we play a voicemail about the anime industry and its IMPENDING DEMISE. Gerald pops our Yoshiyuki Tomino cherries by reviewing a series that along with Minky Momo and Cowboy Bebop might just have the most spoiled ending in all of anime. Too bad everybody’s wrong since they didn’t actually see the show. OR ARE THEY? We’re too busy scoping out that SWEET afro to tell.
Review: Godannar (1:21:49 – 2:06:11)
Full disclosure: the remainder of this episode of AWO is brought to you by Chris Oarr from ADV Films, who sent us this stuff to review eons ago. Before the carnage unfolds, Daryl saw fit to play a voicemail near and dear to his heart, guaranteed to freeze any heart solid even if it was just exposed to a dreadful Hugh Grant romantic comedy. Anyway, this show is…well, we’re probably going to need to resort to pictures. WATCH THIS SPACE.
Promo: R5 Central (2:06:11 – 2:07:44)
It’s not REALLY an R5 Central promo since the entire thing is just a fake movie trailer that Mike created after being inspired by Grindhouse. Still, Mike “accepts Death Proof for what it is” yet denies that “what it is” is “a boring and crappy movie/extended Kotex commercial with god awful characters and a boring, tedious car chase.” Therefore, he is no friend of ours.
Review: Gravion/Gravion Zwei (2:07:44 – 2:37:23)
Whenever Godannar is mentioned, Gravion must also be mentioned! Clarissa fields this one since once Daryl found out that the character in it named Sandman did not perform drunken ladder sentons, he had no interest in watching it. Listen on, and bear witness to Masami Obari’s resurrection from obscurity. For Daryl, Masami Obari ceased to exist after the Fatal Fury Movie. Gerald, by contrast, owns all of Angel Blade and its sequels.
Closing (2:37:23 – 2:48:22)
Review Legend of the Galactic Heroes, huh? What if we spent several hours talking to people who were diehard LoGH fanatics instead? Regardless, that’s something on our ever-expanding “to do” pile, and so next week we try to make some headway on reducing that a bit. Daryl’s going back and reviewing the remainder of the To Terra manga as well as the new anime series, while simultaneously creating more work for himself by reviewing Volume 1 of Andromeda Stories. Volumes 2 and 3 aren’t out yet. Gerald’s finally going back and giving his final thoughts on Hakugei: Legend of Moby Dick now that he’s seen the entire series, and Clarissa’s got the honor of spearheading our Anime Weekend Atlanta convention report. With any luck it’ll come out faster than the Ninja Consultant one!
Instead of doing full-on reviews of single-volume titles, we’re going to TRY and just talk about them at the end of the show. Gerald actually started this off by talking about Xenosaga the Animation Volume 1 in Show 60, but we forgot to actually put it in the episode. For Show 61, Daryl gives a quick overview of the Blu-Ray release of the Dragon Ball Z: Broly Double Feature. So a three hour podcast where we talked about Gundam, Tomino, super robot shows, and DBZ. This will no doubt be the most reviled episode of AWO ever.
Maybe something recent like the new Jeeg or something from the late 70’s like Daimos since you reviewed Combattler V and Voltes V.
I know we’ve said this before but I’ll say it again. We’ll review Daimos as soon as we can find the entire thing subbed. Not Starbirds or whatever it was called, but, so far we’ve not found it and I would like to check it out since Voltes V was better than Combattler V by a long shot and I’m hoping Daimos is better than Voltes.
Super lame and max fail for using a cover version of the Ideon OP theme.
Super fail on YOU Steve for dissing on Ichiro Mizuki! I mean check this man out! Ichiro Mizuki is not to be disrespected under any circumstances! And it’s actually off of Super Robot Damashii which is a really good selection of giant robot themes done as covers. I think one was the Maginzer Z opening done with Isao Sasaki and Ichiro Mizuki.
And I still want a Kyo Kara Maoh review.
I’m still dreading that… And I know it’ll never happen!
carl: “Here’s an anecdote from THE NOTENKI MEMOIRS (which everyone should buy from ADV–although a book, it’s under their manga label).”
ADV’s titles are seriously underrated. They may have overstocked on crap manga, but they did pick out a number of gems in the process.
“The booklet in the Gunbuster Gattai movie DVD goes into more detail on this”
You actually bought the crossover?! Or did you score an advanced copy from BV? Is it really worth it, or is it just a cash-in?
“when, as Daryl succintly puts it, Japan was “king shit of the world,” and it imagined that in 1996 Japan bought Hawaii from the U.S. for 800 billion dollars (to be spent by Americans on crack, no doubt). Twelve years later, the treacherous Yankees launch a surprise attack on the Japanese naval facilities at Pearl Harbor, sparking the Japan-American War.”
We don’t really need Hawaii anymore, though. It was just an island we stole to get a better trade route to China, but we’d make more money giving it to the Japanese. Not that I am sure the remaining Polynesians we didn’t wipe out would want the Japanese ordering them around any more than us. If the recent Golgo you translated is correct, they can’t even get along with Okinawans.
Anyway, I think the reason our economic rivalry of that decade hadn’t resulted in another war was because of N. Korea, and because we were too busy helping Osama in Afghanistan. Though it would be nice if Congress would at least demand Japan acknowledge their comfort women, even though they also have a problem saying what the Armenians did was genocide.
Correction. *What the Turks did to the Armenians*
Oh, and I’d say that Eva swiped more ideas from Patlabor and Akira than Gundam. Hell, the concept of the robot taking over the mind and body of the wounded pilot is straight out of Guyver. But I could understand Tomino being pissed that a bunch of guys who didn’t even have any industry experience or seniority would be more successful sooner than him.
Wow , really glad you guys survived the DAPDX attack.
Kudos on the the mech show guys , it has really cheered me up.
Carl Horn said…
I was also surprised by the caller who was upset over a $17.95 DVD. That sounds very reasonable. It’s important to remember that just as he is a working person who gets taxed, the same is true of the people who made the anime, licensed it, and pressed it. Don’t forget that when you buy a licensed anime or manga, the money doesn’t just go to the U.S. company–a royalty goes back to Japan on each copy sold. And of course, if you don’t buy it, they don’t get that money.
People just don’t think of the economics that are at play here. If anything, $17.95 is far better than twice that amount I would’ve paid too!
Steve Harrison said…
Super lame and max fail for using a cover version of the Ideon OP theme. I bet it’s off some Super Robot Wars BS soundrack or something. Altho it could also be from one of Anniki’s concerts but it doesn’t sound like a live version. Not that that’s Ichiro Mizuki singing, I’m pretty sure it’s the other powerhouse of anime, Mr. Isao Sasaki.
Needless to say I was a little turned off for not hearing the originals I enjoy!
altho I’m still mindful of the meeting between Anno and Tomino at the opening for one of the Eva movies, where Anno is reported to have gone all fanboy and said something like “You know, I made Evangelion because of you” and Tomino is reported to have replied “Don’t you DARE blame this piece of shit on me!”
I suspect Anno had to double his meds and hit the shirnk’s couch real quick after that…
“Where have I gone wrong?”
Gerald said…
I know we’ve said this before but I’ll say it again. We’ll review Daimos as soon as we can find the entire thing subbed. Not Starbirds or whatever it was called, but, so far we’ve not found it and I would like to check it out since Voltes V was better than Combattler V by a long shot and I’m hoping Daimos is better than Voltes.
Too bad Demonoid was shut down now. Still, don’t have to bother with getting the rest of the Filipino dub up there now than I had received comments over re-seeding earlier torrents. It’s just one less illegitimate place to hang out at.
But, you know, many of those people have never heard of our flopped-vs.-unflopped debate.
Yay! Someone who knows the correct term!
By the way, Daryl, you are indeed correct that anime pilots tend to be short promos, usually under 15 minutes–what we would call “presentation films” in America despite being called “Pilot Films” (lit. “Pairotto Firumu”) in Japanese. I’ve shown the Moomin, Dororo and Cutey Honey pilots at Otakon in the past, and I believe the Yamato pilot might be on the documentary DVD (too tired to look properly…)?
E. Bernhard Warg
Otakon Classic Track
Sky Girls started as an OVA pilot in 2006 then the series coming out this year. The other one that was similar in premise was Strike Witches but didn’t get past a one shot OVA.
As far as Lucky Star be licensed, I hope that if they do special edition releases that they’d not be expensive like the Haruhi ones. Even if they do that at all mind you, since I don’t think LS is as big as Haruhi is. Don’t care, just glad the show is being released and that the news of it was given so soon.
ygxmtgOH! Oh oh ohohhh, Gerald, you did NOT just throw down on me on Ichiro Mizuki, like I was some clueless n00b who had no idea he was the James Brown of anime, the Hardest Working Man in Japan!
I have more songs sung by Mizuki sitting over here in my CD rack than you’ve probably even heard of!
I will admit that my current and enduring money crisis has kept me from buying all the JAM project releases and Anison concerts I’d like to, and there are times where Mizuki and Sasaki end up sounding alike, but I’ll take a legit hit for a misidentification of a MP3 rip of a cover version of a song slapped on a podcast.
Part of the problem is, while Columbia is a star at making collections and so almost all of Mizuki’s catalog is easily availble, KIng Records/Starchild is piss-poor at tossing their catalog onto collections. About the only way you can collect the OP and ED themes of the ’80s giants from Sunrise is to either invest in the soundtracks or score the singles, and King hasn’t re-released many of the singles for a LONG time.
VAP was making up for that for a short time with their ‘Anime Hot Wave’ releases but they closed that down after only 4 discs, I assume the cost/profit balance was going the wrong way.
Some decent stuff showed up on the two ‘Anime Sound Museum on TV’ CDs from Victor, it’s amazing how decent the Srungle OP themes were for such a crap show…
Kodocha also started out as a one-shot OAV pilot. It was more serious than the eventual TV series, didn’t really show Maron the squirrel or the elaborate things in Mama’s hair (just the occasional almost non-sequitur closeups of the latter), and had no Babbit (who I believe was invented for the TV series).
E. Bernhard Warg
Otakno Classic Track
Gerald, don’t be a wimp! If I can take you guys bashing it and it’s my absolute favorite series, I think you could handle a review of it–you don’t even have to review it yourself–I’d like to hear what Clarissa has to say on it.
Oh well, I’m still forever indebted to this podcast for getting me to be insane and buy MD Geist…
I read somewhere that in the 80’s there was a 15min pilot for Zoids. I gotta know if this is true because I really like the way Zoids were done back then but never been a fan of the actual series (I did like the first one though).
Carl Horn, were able to ace the Gunbuster vs Diebuster: The Gattai Movie Certification Exam that came in the set? I assume you’d be one of the hand full of people in North America who could.
ygxmtgOH! Oh oh ohohhh, Gerald, you did NOT just throw down on me on Ichiro Mizuki, like I was some clueless n00b who had no idea he was the James Brown of anime, the Hardest Working Man in Japan!
Hey, of course I expect Steve Harrison to know who Ichiro Mizuki is, which makes it all the more suprising that you didn’t recognize his voice *insert voice of Rose of Versailles character laughing hysterically with fan to their mouth*.
If you want a really good selection check out the Animage Single series from 1983 to 1987, which features such fine music such as tracks from Time Etranger, Renai Adventure and some obscure vocal tracks from Nausicaa just to name a few. (And as I check CDJapan, it appears that they don’t have those disks listen any more which is no surprise since I bought them about six years ago.)
I think you could handle a review of it–you don’t even have to review it yourself–I’d like to hear what Clarissa has to say on it.
Actually we made a deal that if we reached a certain amount in our donations, Clarissa would review Najica or Agent Aika, Daryl would review Sister Princess and I would review Kyou Kara Maou. Unfortunately, at the time, I thought that awful show was only 26 episodes, little did I know it was over 70 (all the same lame joke I bet), so even if we did reach the amount, it would take forever to watch all of it, so it’s not happening any time soon.
I read somewhere that in the 80’s there was a 15min pilot for Zoids.
This I would like to see if it’s true (although I think you might be confusing it with something else). I actually like Zoids Chaotic Century a lot and wish I could find it on DVD subbed. Didn’t care for much else Zoids though. One of those shows that sort of slipped under a lot of people’s radars.
By the way, Daryl, you are indeed correct that anime pilots tend to be short promos, usually under 15 minutes–what we would call “presentation films” in America despite being called “Pilot Films” (lit. “Pairotto Firumu”) in Japanese. I’ve shown the Moomin, Dororo and Cutey Honey pilots at Otakon in the past, and I believe the Yamato pilot might be on the documentary DVD (too tired to look properly…)?
E. Bernhard Warg
Otakon Classic Track
Being reminded of the Lupin III one that was mentioned, as I think there was two versions made of that, one in full-frame and the other in a wider format (like Cinemascope or something).
By the way, just noticed someone posted these up on YouTube I wasn’t too aware of, but found rather amusing to see, some sort of Ideon parody clips, one has the robot doing Ultraman, another is a spoof of Daitan III’s op theme and so on.
I was just wondering. Doesn’t the red mecha for Ideon resemble the robot who briefly took over after Optimus Prime died in the movie? Same designer?
I’m late with saying it, but that was a great podcast. I guess after a month of lovin’ it should be
You guys wre talking about whether there is a Gundam/mecha podcast out there, well it looks like one started not to long ago. I just found out about it today myself.
Gundamn! is the name. Its soon going to be the podcast for MAHQ.net as well.
Actually we made a deal that if we reached a certain amount in our donations, Clarissa would review Najica or Agent Aika, Daryl would review Sister Princess and I would review Kyou Kara Maou.
I don’t know what this thing about donations is, but I would pay for a Daryl review of Sister Princess. Really, I would. But it would have to be a review of both the first series AND the ironically titled “Repure” second season!
Dan said…
I was just wondering. Doesn’t the red mecha for Ideon resemble the robot who briefly took over after Optimus Prime died in the movie? Same designer?
Hell I started realizing what character designs they ripped off for the Korean “Diatron’5” came from now that I’ve been watching Ideon!
By the way, it looks as if Viz made that decision of what Gutsoon! title they’re going to publish soon, as they bothered to print a sneak peak preview of the first chapter in this month’s Shonen Jump. Didn’t come as no surprise that it was Slam Dunk, but it just facinated me to notice the differences between what I’ve read five years ago to what is being published now (translations, Japanese sound effects replaced with English ones, etc.). Too bad it sounds like they won’t start publhsing the first volume’s worth of it until late next year (glad I still kept my Raijin Comics editions anyway I bothered to buy, it’ll be a while before they’ll get to the volumes they didn’t get to before their shut-down).
Still, rather a shame they didn’t pick up on City Hunter, Fist of the Blue Sky or Revenge of Mouflon (City Hunter would be as shoe-in for having been published in the original Shonen Jump anyway).
chris: “By the way, it looks as if Viz made that decision of what Gutsoon! title they’re going to publish soon, as they bothered to print a sneak peak preview of the first chapter in this month’s Shonen Jump.”
Don’t get too excited. They took a year to bring out Ultimate Muscle and Gin Tama after printing previews in Jump, and the former had a fanbase. They’re publishing a preview to gauge demand, and clearly have no intention of doing anything else yet. Personally, I was hoping they’d publish “Real”, and even suggested it to them, since that was more recent.
I also agree with you on the Fist and Moufflon stuff, and would like to throw in Keiji, but I imagine the only title we can expect besides Getten is Bow Wow Wata. I actually liked it, but it’s not a series I’d buy individually.
City Hunter was probably handled the worst of all of them, because at the time, ADV was selling the anime, and FOX was selling the Jackie Chan film, and whoever was running Raijin didn’t bother trying to do a cross-promotion deal.
Anyway, I’m kind of surprised that, with all the samurai stuff that DH has been publishing as of late, the company never considered Nemuri Kyoshiro.
Dan said…
Don’t get too excited. They took a year to bring out Ultimate Muscle and Gin Tama after printing previews in Jump, and the former had a fanbase.
Being reminded of having read that chapter, and then seeing it again in the graphic novel with one panel being censored as it showed the guy’s ass now being covered with undies!
They’re publishing a preview to gauge demand, and clearly have no intention of doing anything else yet. Personally, I was hoping they’d publish “Real”, and even suggested it to them, since that was more recent.
True, I’ll never understand these companies (and why we still resort to scanilations or trying our best to make out the raw Japanese).
I also agree with you on the Fist and Moufflon stuff, and would like to throw in Keiji,
Damn! I forgot that one! That panel of the guy holding onto his manhood and pissing should’ve been my avatar!
but I imagine the only title we can expect besides Getten is Bow Wow Wata. I actually liked it, but it’s not a series I’d buy individually.
True, I was a little into Bow Wow Wata too, but I couldn’t picture myself buying those as separate books.
City Hunter was probably handled the worst of all of them, because at the time, ADV was selling the anime, and FOX was selling the Jackie Chan film, and whoever was running Raijin didn’t bother trying to do a cross-promotion deal.
Again, missed the boat completely.
Anyway, I’m kind of surprised that, with all the samurai stuff that DH has been publishing as of late, the company never considered Nemuri Kyoshiro.
Another good title.
Again, Raijin Comics was the excuse I had to motor my ass down to the shop 4 miles once a week whenever a new issue came out through those winter months. Once they went to a monthly, I started to see the cracks happen.
chris: “Being reminded of having read that chapter, and then seeing it again in the graphic novel with one panel being censored as it showed the guy’s ass now being covered with undies!”
Yeah, to be honest, I’m actually glad I didn’t have to see his ass. Though some of the stuff they get away with in more recent volumes is tame by comparison.
“True, I’ll never understand these companies (and why we still resort to scanilations or trying our best to make out the raw Japanese).”
Supposedly, the AOD’ers claim Slam Dunk’s got a legal English translation in Singapore.
“Damn! I forgot that one! That panel of the guy holding onto his manhood and pissing should’ve been my avatar! :-)”
Hara only did the art on that one, but Keiji’s clearly a transitional manga which was moving away from the exploding body part trend of Hokuto No Ken to the “book-smarts” style of dealing with your opponent in Fist of the Blue Sky. It’s got a combination of both styles.
I think what I liked about it was that was one of the few samurai manga which didn’t take place during a time of civil war. You don’t have to keep track of alliances and such, like in other titles. That, and the lead doesn’t rely as much on weapons and techniques as in other titles.
“Another good title.”
Nemuri Kyoshiro wasn’t a fave of mine, due to it being slightly misogynistic, but the art was awesome, and it seemed to be edgier than LW+C. The one I really miss was this color gag manga they’d print in the front of the mag called “Irasshaimase, Japan”. Best thing since “Even a Monkey Can Draw Manga”.
“Again, Raijin Comics was the excuse I had to motor my ass down to the shop 4 miles once a week whenever a new issue came out through those winter months. Once they went to a monthly, I started to see the cracks happen”
Raijin was so awesome. I’m still hoping they’ll bring it and the Master Editions back in one form or another…I’m only reading Jump now for Yu Yu Hakusho and possibly Bobobo.(Unless trades for the latter title get renewed…)
Dan said…
Yeah, to be honest, I’m actually glad I didn’t have to see his ass. Though some of the stuff they get away with in more recent volumes is tame by comparison.
Being a liberal artist, I was more interesting in seeing that anyway (at least he had his had in the way to cover something handing underneath).
Hara only did the art on that one, but Keiji’s clearly a transitional manga which was moving away from the exploding body part trend of Hokuto No Ken to the “book-smarts” style of dealing with your opponent in Fist of the Blue Sky. It’s got a combination of both styles.
I never thought of it that way, but it makes a lot of sense in how different his later work was to what he was doing before.
I think what I liked about it was that was one of the few samurai manga which didn’t take place during a time of civil war. You don’t have to keep track of alliances and such, like in other titles. That, and the lead doesn’t rely as much on weapons and techniques as in other titles.
Yeah, I nearly thought I had to memorize those different characters and factions if it was coming to that.
Nemuri Kyoshiro wasn’t a fave of mine, due to it being slightly misogynistic, but the art was awesome, and it seemed to be edgier than LW+C. The one I really miss was this color gag manga they’d print in the front of the mag called “Irasshaimase, Japan”. Best thing since “Even a Monkey Can Draw Manga”.
Disgustingly true!
Raijin was so awesome. I’m still hoping they’ll bring it and the Master Editions back in one form or another…I’m only reading Jump now for Yu Yu Hakusho and possibly Bobobo.(Unless trades for the latter title get renewed…)
We can only hope.
So what about that short Xenosaga review? I thought the anime was pretty bad, so I’d like to hear Gerald hate on it a little. (I really liked the games though.)
I believe that Ex-Driver had a pilot that was very different and better than the actual show. It had the 2 chicks driving around in a super/turbocharged Mazda Miata (excellent car, too bad about the stigma). They were being chased by/chasing a small radio controlled car, like in that one Dirty Harry movie
Daryl, New Getter Robo is awesome! Thanks for that review!
Yeah, I also gotta give thanks to Daryl for his review of New Getter Robo.
Oh Lordy. Look at what I found.
I’d still love to know what the imediate reaction from something like Newtype was on the film.
So the good news is Stephen Chow is producing DB.
I’d prefer he direct and do the casting, but as long as they don’t pull any of that “close camera” bullshit, I’ll be satisfied.
Actually we made a deal that if we reached a certain amount in our donations, Clarissa would review Najica or Agent Aika, Daryl would review Sister Princess and I would review Kyou Kara Maou.
Hm…maybe I should donate, then…>D
Without going back and checking (since I don’t remember when it was said), I believe the amount at which we’d all review the horrible things was either $1000 or $10,000. But I’m thinking it was $1000.
To date, in the nearly two years that this podcast has been around, we have received…$805.28 in donations. That’s not counting all the fees that Paypal claims, nor is it counting the check that JACON gave us as a matching donation.
The reason we are not counting that check is because if we did, we would be over the $1000 limit. In short, please do not donate any money to us. I will be sure to remind people to please NOT donate money to us in a future episode, just to make sure everyone knows not to do it.
but Daryl…I would love to hear a review of Sister Princess!!
The AWO payola scam is excellent. It’s better than multi-level marketing. Pay to play, baby.
Daryl is the Dick Clark of anime podcast payola.
Oh Lordy. Look at what I found.
Great, now I have the nerve to go run around endlessly and aimlessly through my house, turning things on and acting like I’m cool! I miss the 80’s!
Man when I saw that little bastards red afro hair in Ideon I instantly thought of one man . One man with a very confusing name:
Vanilla from Votoms.
Something Awful did it again! This time, they covered Miyazaki at http://www.somethingawful.com/d/news/masters-of-animation.php?page=2
. (Found it off Anipages.)
Oh my gosh!!! I love you guys!!!!
Mecha rules!!!!
Daryl-If you review Sister Princess then you must do Moetan.
I will be sure to remind people to please NOT donate money to us in a future episode.
I am a fool, and I do not listen. However, I am also a man of my words, and therefore have just made a donation. It ain’t much ($25), but hopefully it’ll bring us one step closer to the day where we’ll hear a podcast of Sister Princess, Kyou Kara Maou, and Najica/Agent Aika.
And just for the record, telling me NOT to do something MADE me actual do it. It’s YOUR fault Daryl (and Gerald for making me aware of this donation thing in the first place).
Hi guys I’m and endangered species… A Classic Giant Robot fan, but I didn’t start with Getter Robo, but with the father of the Super Robot genre, Mazinger Z, the original and still one of the best.
OH YES, By the Anime Gods! we need more Mecha only podcasts and screw whomever thinks differently, this hotblooded genre is the only thing standing between the world and a MOE filled Oblivion.
I would have prefered that you went with something a little bit more classic than Godannar and Gravion. but I’ll live wth that.
Zoids, what do you guys think about Zoids?
Hey, AWO, can you do Discotek a favor and let people know why they should buy their anime in your next podcast? They’re not doing so well in the market, and they need a boost. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/anime.php?id=641
But we’ve been telling people to buy Discotek’s releases since the very first episode of this podcast when we reviewed Animal Treasure Island! We also did Taro the Dragon Boy in Show 16 and Puss n’ Boots in Show 27. And then we didn’t do much else after that since…they stopped releasing things!
Granted, we did not cover their recent rerelease of Lupin the Third: The Fuma Conspiracy since I don’t think any of us has it. Damn it, if Mike Toole, Dave Merrill, and Chris Sobeniak can be on the Discotek Cool People List, then so should I!
Oh wait, I’m not actually in the same league as them…
Granted, we did not cover their recent rerelease of Lupin the Third: The Fuma Conspiracy since I don’t think any of us has it.
Wait, they finally released it? […quick online investigation…] ’bout bloody time! Yet another thing I need to order…
E. Bernhard Warg
Otakon Classic Track
PS: Damn you, Best Buy, for not carrying it at any of your brick-&-mortar locations!
Daryl said…
Oh wait, I’m not actually in the same league as them…
Amused I would be put on that list at all (I feel like I have to be ten years older to be considered one of the heavies of anime fandom), glad to know I manage to accomplish so much at an earlier age.
E. Bernhard Warg PS-ed…
PS: Damn you, Best Buy, for not carrying it at any of your brick-&-mortar locations!
Welcome to the world I live in, where even the remote big box locations don’t always sell what you want to get at all, forcing you to order online in tomorrow’s disposable world. I’m still depressed at the closing of a local hardware shop down the street from me I could get stuff so easily than to walk around endlessly in a Home Depot and feel like I hadn’t done a thing.