Anime World Order Show # 63b – Crystal Triangle and the INTERNET HATE MACHINE

Show 63 concludes with Clarissa’s review of the much-dreaded Crystal Triangle and our run-in with 4chan, the INTERNET HATE MACHINE, at AWA 2007. Two year anniversary? Probably.

You really want show notes for this? I got your show notes right here.

75 Replies to “Anime World Order Show # 63b – Crystal Triangle and the INTERNET HATE MACHINE”

  1. I never did catch Twilight of the Cockroaches or its “remake”, Joe’s Apartment. The idea just didn’t appeal to me as much as, say, Pom Poko. Maybe I’ll try to salvage the Streamline VHS tape one of these days from whichever Blockbuster still has it in their archives. They actually had a screening of the Japanese dvd of Robot Carnival at AX ’04 or ’06, and the Japanese version of “Tale of Two Robots” was one of the few times I would argue the Streamline dub was better. I was glad to have seen it in its original form without having to pay one hundred bucks, but I’m guessing that that’ll end up being the price here, too, when Bandai Visual snatches it up. Of course, the good Bandai managed to get the Silent Moebius movies, so there’s always a possibility they’ll pay APPP whatever ransom money it expects for it.

    I still remember when people were bitching about the Jojo OVA dvd prices, though; and now, they look downright cheap next to the likes of Tokyo SOS Explorers.
    But if Broccoli hadn’t stiffed STA,
    and if Viz didn’t take half a decade to release the manga, the latter company wouldn’t have gone the way of Illumitoon.

  2. Oh, and the other time I found the Streamline dub to be better was on Wicked City. The Japanese actors didn’t seem to get the point of the film as much as their American counterparts.

  3. Dan said…
    I never did catch Twilight of the Cockroaches or its “remake”, Joe’s Apartment.

    Heh, noticed a few who’d say that!

    The idea just didn’t appeal to me as much as, say, Pom Poko. Maybe I’ll try to salvage the Streamline VHS tape one of these days from whichever Blockbuster still has it in their archives.

    Heh, I have both the English dubbed edition and an English subtitled LD release! Perhaps I should stick it up on YouTube for kicks! I would say it has it’s quirky and weird moments (like the talking turd), but I thought it was a more effective use of live-action/animation blending that Attack of the Super Monsters really lacked in! I personally enjoyed the film otherwise if only for it’s story and execution.

    They actually had a screening of the Japanese dvd of Robot Carnival at AX ’04 or ’06, and the Japanese version of “Tale of Two Robots” was one of the few times I would argue the Streamline dub was better.

    Good to hear that. I would argue that Robot Carnival for me was more an “anime primer” of sorts that really works if it was one of the first things you’ve seen to get a taste of what Japanese cartoons could do, and despite the acting in “A Tale of Two Robots”, it didn’t really put it too far off from what the normal public might perceive of Japanese culture if closed-minded before.

    The only thing that put things in an interesting mood of noticing that dedication at the end of the Streamline dub to the women who voiced the robot girl in “Presence” and in “A Tale of Two Robots” who had passed away after this was released (say what you will about those end credits, but at least they bother translating most of the Japanese staff/studios anyway). Who knows what future projects she could’ve played in later Streamline releases.

    I was glad to have seen it in its original form without having to pay one hundred bucks, but I’m guessing that that’ll end up being the price here, too, when Bandai Visual snatches it up.

    True, watch that baby get released in Blu-Ray with most of us not even having the extra cash handy after having to update our entertainment systems to stay on to par.

    Of course, the good Bandai managed to get the Silent Moebius movies, so there’s always a possibility they’ll pay APPP whatever ransom money it expects for it.

    We can only hope.

    Too bad I bother blowing my cash on cels like this!

    Too bad they’re stuck to the papers now, but so is the pain of being a cel collector (and watching the outlines fade into a reddish mess due to the paint eating away at the thermography)!

  4. Nadesico is awesome, but be aware that ADV have the TV version, and not the LD/DVD edition with a significant portion of redone and cleaned up animation. If you want that, you’ll need the Japanese or Korean releases.

  5. Glückliches Neujahr!

    Wow, so not only was AWO crazy enough to bother doing an interview with Rob and myself, there are actually people (tj, chris) who are anxiously awaiting it??! What’s wrong with you people?

    Well, in preparation for whever y’all get around to putting up your AWA interviews with Ishiguro and such, I finally managed to find a great way to extract the content off a DVD track/VOB file into a muxed Quicktime sufficiently compressed that it was uploadable to YouTube. So now when you get around to talking about Ishiguro, you can point to the Mushishi promotional music video that was shown at his panel on Saturday at AWA!

  6. Oh and Daryl…

    Get a Mac.

    (Seriously, when I had a drive on one of mac’s internal raids start to go south, I had no problem getting the data off to an external and then replacing it…)

  7. Went and made a screencap of Space Grub God. It turned out to be even more ridiculous-looking than I imagined:

    I’m really, really surprised that most of the reviews I’ve read about Crystal Triangle don’t mention this at all. I can’t see why, because in a movie full of ridiculous stuff, this- God being a giant four-year-old floating bug in a spaceship- is literally one of the most ridiculous things ever.

  8. Rhinehard: I know, I’m crazy right?? Haha. But seriously, you guys have been anime fans for longer than I’ve been alive, so I’m interested to hear what you have to say. And besides, anyone whose username is based off a Legend of the Galactic Heroes character has to be pretty cool.

    vz: Daryl is the only person I know of that actually hates Nadesico. The vast majority of reviews I’ve seen of the show give it a very positive review. I say, if you can find it for a good price, check it out.

  9. Behonkiss said…
    Went and made a screencap of Space Grub God. It turned out to be even more ridiculous-looking than I imagined:

    Yep, it’s beyond belief!

    I’m really, really surprised that most of the reviews I’ve read about Crystal Triangle don’t mention this at all. I can’t see why, because in a movie full of ridiculous stuff, this- God being a giant four-year-old floating bug in a spaceship- is literally one of the most ridiculous things ever.

    Who knows, perhaps they shut that part of the movie out of their minds like it was nothing!

    (too bad the screengrab couldn’t have been from when it goes “However…” just for dramatic impact that we don’t get to hear anymore from it! We’ll never know what else God had to say since we killed it, DAMN US, DAMN US ALL TO HELL!)

    TJ said…
    Rhinehard: I know, I’m crazy right?? Haha. But seriously, you guys have been anime fans for longer than I’ve been alive, so I’m interested to hear what you have to say. And besides, anyone whose username is based off a Legend of the Galactic Heroes character has to be pretty cool.

    Ditto for me too (if only for historical sake since I hope to be a animation historian someday if ever).

  10. While I appreciate the suggestions, none of them really help in this situation. Regardless of platform, regardless of operating system, regardless of file system, regardless of RAID arrays, if the drive is physically damaged to the point where half the time the BIOS will not recognize that it is there and the other half of the time when it does recognize it’s there, a hard I/O lock results during POST (thus preventing ANY OS from loading), then no software solutions will work. I tried putting the drive in an external enclosure so that I could boot up an OS, then connect the drive, but the instant I hook the drive up, everything locks up.

    I think I fixed the boot sector and the MBR, but I’d still have to somehow fix the file table (ddrescue crashes with a Segmentation Fault immediately) before I could do a low-level sector-by-sector copying over of the files.

    Although the drive doesn’t click, I think there is some degree of physical damage. Data recovery services said they’d charge about $1000 to recover this thing since it’d require use of a clean room and replacement parts. Nothing on that drive couldn’t conceivably be recovered, so I’ll just save my money. Gerald incidentally had a 750 GB drive die on him as a result of his air conditioner breaking on him, but Windows Home Server was able to reconstruct the whole thing after several hours. His was much more of a traditional type of failure than mine though.

    We’ll try and post the interview over the weekend. I probably shouldn’t have tasked Gerald with editing the entire thing, considering he spent the better part of the past month moving into a new house. In the future, I think I’ll just start throwing AWO guest appearances on other podcasts into the feed, even though the listener overlap on shows we’d make guest appearances on is probably pretty substantial.

    Chris Oarr, who is out to get us, sent me the Nadesico thinpak collection. I’ll review it…at some point…

  11. “Chris Oarr, who is out to get us, sent me the Nadesico thinpak collection. I’ll review it…at some point…”

    Fuck that. Where’s my Princess Princes Review?

  12. Dan: It’s not like they were selling more than 20 copies to begin with…maybe they’d get 30 if they sold blu-ray?

  13. One booth at NYAF was trying to sell me the first three Volumes of Freedom for $100. I wanted to curse him out and them him BV is insane but restrained myself. Im not interested in the series anyway, it’s just the insane price point that was the principle.

  14. Just wanted to say that I started watching Monster. Thank you guys for turning me on to this. Its really great so far.

  15. Aaahugagahuuugh.

    Aaagle glaagle.

    I’m starting to think you guys are bad for my health. Though you have been able to introduce me to stuff like Phoenix, Welcome to the NHK and Sea Prince & the Fire Child, my b-movie fanaticism has caused me to seek out far too many of the crap you’ve reviewed. Let me remember:

    – Buying (Yes, BUYING) MD Geist.

    – Watching the first 20 minutes of Odin before shutting it off (It really is that dull).

    – Squirming through Overfiend (Not my cup of tea).

    – Laughing at Crystal Triangle, Black Lion and Demon City Shinjuku (Enjoyable in their stupidness).

    However, I just did something I should not have done. I went to Boxtorrents and downloaded Roots Search.

    WHAT ON EARTH WAS THAT? How could something that awful be made, and be considered for licensing by an American company? Didn’t someone on the staff realize it wasn’t working at some point? Why were there big name seiyuu in it? What was with the ending? Aaaaargh.

    I don’t know if there should be a review of this, because it will encourage many people to go find it. I get the feeling my post might do the same, though.

  16. Behonkiss said…
    I’m starting to think you guys are bad for my health. Though you have been able to introduce me to stuff like Phoenix, Welcome to the NHK and Sea Prince & the Fire Child, my b-movie fanaticism has caused me to seek out far too many of the crap you’ve reviewed. Let me remember:

    Snipping all of it because it’s of no concern to me!

    However, I just did something I should not have done. I went to Boxtorrents and downloaded Roots Search.

    WHAT ON EARTH WAS THAT? How could something that awful be made, and be considered for licensing by an American company? Didn’t someone on the staff realize it wasn’t working at some point? Why were there big name seiyuu in it? What was with the ending? Aaaaargh.

    I don’t know if there should be a review of this, because it will encourage many people to go find it. I get the feeling my post might do the same, though.

    You just got me interested in leeching it, if only to get the same idea in the end and bitch about it later on to a group of clueless noobs whom’ll never tough it in a zillion years!

  17. To make everyone feel better after Roots Search and the Crystal Triangle, I’ve found out that the newly remastered version of Macross:DYRL that was released in Japan in the last few months has been fansubbed so the audio and video is as good as it can be. So have a google around for it.

  18. If any one is interested, The Upanishads is part of the Hindu scripture. As such, it would be odd for them to be taught by Tibetan monks who are mostly Buddhist or Bon. There are many stories of Siddhis, who are Tibetan and Indian mystics who’ve developed superpowers, such as flying. So that’s probably where this popular myth come from.

    Separately, Crystal Traingle follows the well worn pattern of Asian B movies of trying to jam every popular myths and fads into one film. Even “City Hunter” jammed in the “Gambler Saint” just because gambling movies were popular at that time in Hong Kong. There are too many live action movies that are just as silly as this anime.

  19. LoL…great podcast. I love CPM. They have some really bizarre titles, and some really great gems as well. I think they were one of the best R1's easily…Anyway I'm so subcribing to this. Loved the Ak-47 CPM story too lol…

  20. This is crap. WTF are those people talking about? I saw that anime and it is very god. [Yes, God is definitely in Crystal Triangle! –Daryl] I cant believe that you people are talking about cartoons like they are real :S Those are cartoons guys and girl you must be relay really ugly or something to hangout with this guys full of crap 😀 I feel better now, thank you 😀

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