Bonus – AWO, Fast Karate, and Mad Bull 34 COMBINE

In the final hours of Otakon 2011, it was decided that the true Fantastic Four should covertly gather in a press room to talk about the final episode of Mad Bull 34, the prior 1:00 AM viewing of which threatened to keep Erin and Noah awake despite their 9:00 AM panel. This unedited podcast audio is the result.

Daryl was also on the Manga Out Loud podcast to talk about anime convention fan attendee motivations. It’s not all the same stuff you’ve heard before!

Anime World Order Show # 85b – We Meet Again, Captain Buttwipe

It took several years to get to the second in the trinity of the Holy Manga Video Trinity of Suck (the first being Angel Cop and the third being Mad Bull 34 by Kazuo Koike). But that’s because Violence Jack is the least clip-worthy of the three, cut or uncut. After roughly two years of putting it off, Daryl finally reviews this behemoth, the shonen work that established modern-era post-apocalyptic fiction as we know it.

May as well start another thread for this post. The previous thread was a little large and partially carried over from the old site, and if we ever stop manually updating the RSS feed via text editor then it’ll help if we have one blog post per podcast enclosure.

Other news: Daryl has a new article up on the Otaku USA website. As a supplemental piece to the print magazine’s Halo: Legends feature, he’s written a brief overview of anime anthologies. We’ll also be doing panels at Megacon 2010 as well as Anime Boston 2010. There will assuredly be more conventions where you can see us this year, but so far those two are confirmed. But if anyone wants to provide us free plane tickets and lodging for Fanimecon, we’re all ears!

Helpful Captioning
See? Violence Jack and Legend of the Galactic Heroes have SOMETHING in common. The Nish approves.