Bonus – Daryl Wastes More Time

Due to overwhelming demand–well, it was more like one person–Daryl has posted some more audio of himself that can charitably be described as “filler” while the next episode proper of Anime World Order is prepared. Contains a “hopefully people consider this evaluation fair” overview of Sakura-con 2012 as well as A BRAND NEW DISCIPLINE READING~!

Until the next REAL episode is out, consider funding DMP’s Unico manga Kickstarter. It’s actually already 100% funded, which means you’re pretty much guaranteed to actually get whatever reward tier you pledge at.

The Otaku USA article Daryl wrote about Lupin the Third: The Woman Called Fujiko Mine can be read here.

While Daryl was at Sakura-con, Gerald was at Anime Boston. Here’s his con report of that (oh, and I guess the Ninja Consultants, Mike Toole, and Ed Chavez have something to do with it too).

Bonus – Anime Weekend Atlanta 2011 with Ninja Consultant & OSMCast!

We were totally supposed to have recorded a review of Harmagedon with ComiPo!’s Patrick Macias already, but between New York Comic-Con and EXPCon it’s going to be delayed quite a few weeks. In the meantime, indulge yourselves by listening to this installment of the Ninja Consultant podcast, recorded at 2:30 AM on Sunday of Anime Weekend Atlanta 2011. The AWO was all present, along with the OSMCast!, the Most Dangerous Ed Chavez of Vertical Inc (trying to sleep off-mic to little avail), and a [quite possibly Most] Dangerous Mystery Person!

For the record: Daryl? Totally the Duke of Orléans.

Totally. Don’t believe those lying liars.