Bonus – Anime Weekend Atlanta 2008 Con Report

Even though the convention was back in September, here’s our con report for Anime Weekend Atlanta 2008.

Show 75 is recorded and will hopefully be posted soon, but there may be one more convention report bonus edition posted first. Three bonus recordings in a row? Man, we are lazy. Heck, one of them we didn’t even edit! We’ll upload some important pictures from the con here at some point. For now, feast your eyes upon this glorious slideshow (click any picture in the slideshow to get a full sized version):

And here’s Gerald’s version of the events including the fateful headlock with Rob Fenelon:

You will notice embedded in the show MP3 as well as within the slideshow above is a grandiose method of transport. What fiendish practitioners of kung fu treachery could be responsible for such a thing, you ask? This video has the answers:

This would have been funnier if the people in the outfits weren’t so keen on wandering into large events and then leaving in a manner that illustrated they didn’t actually care about what was going on in the room. They did spend most of their time in the halls, though. McCain’s campaign headquarters was a few minutes away, but they were closed! HOW ARE YOU SUPPOSED TO CONVINCE INUYASHA TO VOTE MCCAIN IF YOUR “VICTORY CENTER” IS CLOSED ON WEEKENDS?! No wonder he lost.

Bonus – Otakon 2008 Con Report with Anime Podcast SUPASTAHS

In the event you aren’t subscribed to the feed and check this site for updates regarding new episodes, the party is over yonder. Click THERE to download!

Alternate title: “Noah, When I Want Your Opinion I’ll Take My Clit Out of Your Mouth and Ask You For It.” [Asterisk added in the feed entry so iTunes won’t delete us.]

Rather than edit our own con report which was hastily recorded a few days ago, here’s the Ninja Consultant Otakon 2008 report recorded LIVE at the con! With special guests Daryl Surat and Gerald Rathkolb from AWO! Also, Mike Dent from R5 Central, Tyler Waldman from Rangercast, and James Veronico from! Featuring Dave Riley from Fast Karate for the Gentleman, and Mike Toole as the Voice of God. Recorded Saturday night from about 1 AM to 4 AM WHILE COMPLETELY SOBER. Except for those Irish anime podcasters. You can’t keep them away from the bottle.

While I’m not going to disable comments for this post, I am going to say that you should probably leave comments there instead of here. You can leave comments here too if you really want, but it’ll just mean we have to follow TWO sets of comments for the same show. Crazy, man.

Show 72 hasn’t even been recorded yet. We’ll try and remedy that by the end of the week. Except Anime Weekend Atlanta is coming up soon, and a still unknown number of panels must be prepared for it.