A podcast all about Japanese cartoons and comics as discussed by three self-proclaimed experts in the world of anime and manga! Plus anime news / reviews, coverage of classic anime, hentai / yaoi, and much, much more. Updated every week. We hope.
Wow, we missed…quite some time! It’s as though we disappeared! (Or perhaps expired?) To that note, Gerald reviews the manga Disappearance Diary…after we spend half the show talking about US animation for a change!
If you like what you hear, then by all means leave us reviews on iTunes! FULLY POSITIVE ONES ONLY (this is the Japanese style of marketing).
The guest appearances on other podcasts are contained within the Guest Spots link at the top of the page. Daryl’s Hey, Answerman! column on Anime News Network can be read here.
It took something like nine months, but now that Clarissa isn’t working full time and taking a full load of graduate school classes she can now bring to us her review of the Viz Signature release of Kingyo Used Books.
For this endeavor, we are joined by “Chiaki Tachibana” from the Anime Addicts Anonymous Podcast. We make this distinction to note that she is NOT he Shin Megami Tensei character, NOR is she the one from the hentai After Class Lesson whose character bio according to MyAnimeList is “The fifth girl who was raped, she is lesbian and a miko.” (That biography is completely inaccurate since she wasn’t fifth.) Daryl was previously a guest on their podcast; for links to that as well as all of our other guest appearances on other podcasts, refer to the “Guest Spots” link at the top of the page.
On the subject of Kingyo Used Books: Volume 1 and Volume 2 are currently available for sale, and you can read sample chapters from each volume as well as Volume 3 via the Viz SigIkki website.
Oh, we almost forgot: Bob from Pittsburgh made this logo for us! Well, not so much FOR us so much as practice for himself, but we’ve decided we would steal it and maybe start using it for publicity things someday. Thoughts?
Unlike our current logo, this was not created by us in MS Paint in 5 minutes.