Anime World Order Show # 92 – Genericon Is This Week, Now You Know

We haven’t posted anything lately, and with our convention appearance at Genericon impending, Daryl figured we may as well let people know that…the convention appearance at Genericon actually exists!

The Genericon website is here. In other convention news, the Florida Anime Experience is coming Memorial Day weekend courtesy of Wasabi Anime/Green Mustard Productions and many of the former JACON staffers. We’ve provided them with a list of AWO-approved titles to show in their video room. More announcements on that to come.

For those who don’t have the Otaku USA website in their RSS feed, Daryl wrote a peachy-keen Macross Plus web article. Also mentioned in this podcast: Battle Angel.

It’s hard to believe that the episode of Dave and Joel’s Fast Karate for the Gentlemen about MADOX-01 was from so many years ago, but it was.

The episode of Anime3000 where we talked about Miyazaki was a supplemental or bonus to this episode that was distinctly NOT about Miyazaki, but I’ll be damned if I can find the link. It’s there…somewhere. Maybe.

PS: we would never dream of putting anything weird after the end credits. We wouldn’t do that to you guys. Especially not twice in a row.

Anime World Order Show # 90 – Howdy Sir Dog Milk

So concludes five years of podcasting! We begin Year 6 by reviewing Peepo Choo by Felipe Smith with special guest, Paul Chapman aka “The Almighty Gooberzilla” aka “White Daryl.”

Paul is the host of the Greatest Movie EVER! Podcast, for which Daryl should once again be a guest on within the next week or so. Sorry, CollectionDX! Note: this episode was originally going to be called BURIKKU SAIDO, MAZZAFAKKA! but iTunes has standards and stuff. Anyway, BUY VERTICAL PRODUCTS:

Peepo Choo 1
Peepo Choo 2
Peepo Choo 3

Stick around past the end music for a short clip of us talking about something we’re unqualified to discuss, namely THE DC UNIVERSE.

On the subject of things we’re slightly more qualified to discuss, Daryl looks back on Cowboy Bebop…13 years later. Read all about it at Otaku USA.