Anime World Order Show # 60 – Osamu Tezuka, the Beret-Wearing Cyborg God-King

Sure we talk about him a lot, but for our sixtieth episode we’ve decided to devote the entire show to talking about the God of Manga himself, Osamu Tezuka. Daryl’s reviewing the Astro Boy TV series (take your pick), Clarissa’s reviewing the Black Jack OAVs and movie, and Gerald’s reviewing the manga Apollo’s Song.

Show notes will be put up…later! Otaku USA doesn’t write itself, you know!

Introduction (0:00 – 43:27)
Does Stan even remember his role in the Ozone Commandos? Wait, nobody can remember it, since it wasn’t released [yet]! In the emails, we’re asked our opinion on Fushigi Yuugi (which is still really expensive!). Short answer: Yu Watase is a hack. Can we recommend good romance anime? Short answer: no. What’s our thoughts on fanfiction? Short answer: just look at all the slash-related Livejournal communities Clarissa’s a member of. Wait, that’s not a very short list after all! It took us nearly 45 minutes to say this!

Promo: Greatest Movie EVER! (43:27 – 44:05)
It’s the Big Month of Dick over at the Greatest Movie EVER! podcast, where they’re talking about film adaptations of Philip K. Dick exclusively! Featuring a bunch of guest reviewers, including Jeff “Rich Lather” Tatarek, who made this promo instead of making his own podcast. As late as we are in getting shows up, his Robot Carnival review still isn’t there! In any case, we remain satisfied that people start off by listening to AWO, hear promos for Dave and Joel, Greatest Movie EVER!, Lather’s Blather, etc. then determine that they’re more entertaining to listen to than us (and shorter, too!) and stop listening to us. If we were concerned about listenership, we wouldn’t be pulling stunts like…

Review: Astro Boy (44:05 – 1:39:07)
Daryl doesn’t care that absolutely nobody in America cares about Astro Boy. He’s going to talk about the Birth of Astro Boy storyline as portrayed in the original manga, the 1960s TV series, the 1980s TV series, and the 2003 TV series, no matter how many people don’t give a crap. The cool people are interested and not at all bored to tears. Both of them.

We’ll post the Black Jack and Apollo’s Song bits later. And you didn’t really think we had nothing more to say about this Geneon situation, did you?

Anime World Order Show # 52 – Delayed For Weeks By Conflicting Wishy-Washy Sentiments

This week, it’s all stuff we’re feeling kind of “eh” about, which partially accounts for why it took so long for us to edit it. Daryl reviews all of Ergo Proxy, Gerald tackles Megazone 23 Part 2, and Clarissa’s keeping it real [robot] with Hades Project Zeorymer.

It’s 3:15 AM. Show notes will be added later. Honestly though, this picture is pretty much what all of our shows are about. Or at least, what they all SHOULD be about:
Introduction (0:00 – 21:51)
Even though we probably have way too many entries already, the keychain contest is still ongoing, so let us know what titles you’ve looked at which you wouldn’t have done were it not for us. In the emails, we receive the ultimate nerd question: who are our favorite mecha designers? We can answer this with no problem. But what’s some good anime to show to a 10 year-old child, preferably ones featuring cats? Uh…we got nothin’.

Promo: Anime Roundtable and Review (21:51 – 22:12)
Radio TGO is a broadband online radio station primarily devoted to sports discussion. However, there is an anime show on there which is recorded live! They must certainly have it together more than we do, especially since they were able to make a promo lasting a mere 20 seconds! The problem is that the show airs on like, Sunday at 11:00 PM or something. Stupid live audio streams with their schedules! Fortunately, you can listen to all of the episodes at the website. Just be warned: there’s a lot of fanservice/maid show stuff listed here, which suggests that they reviewed that stuff of their own free will.

Review: Ergo Proxy (22:12 – 48:27)
Remember that time last year when EVERYONE wouldn’t stop talking about this show as if it were the second coming? A lot of that buzz seemed to quickly die off within a month or two, but now that Geneon is releasing the DVDs, Daryl’s decided to see what all the fuss was about. Deep Discount and DVD Pacific as always have the best prices, charging about $20 per disc; the first 3 discs are out so far which means that Volume 4 which comes out in May will contain all the MOST DANGEROUS episodes. What is the secret behind Ergo Proxy? Is Re-l Mayer’s father Oscar Mayer, as we all so dearly hope? And is Daryl compassionate enough to not play voicemails when people leaving them ask that they not be played, thus assuring that people would still want to call in? This picture should answer anything not revealed in the review:
Promo: Anime Roundtable (48:27 – 49:04)
No, see, it’s NOT the same podcast as the one we played the first promo for. That’s the joke: that there are now enough anime podcasts out there such that there are multiple ones that share very, very similar names. However, this one is actually quite good. WARNING: CONTAINS 100% CANADIANS.

Review: Megazone 23 Part 2 (49:04 – 1:06:39)
Gerald reviews the directorial debut of Ichiro Itano, and as noted in Show 50’s review of DYRL, Itano’s forte is as an animation director. As an overall director he ends up making “stellar” work such as Angel Cop and Violence Jack. This one’s a lot different from Part 1, and you need only look at the character designs by Yasuomi “Doggy Style Pedophile” Umezu to figure that out. In Daryl’s mind, the ending song to this is forever associated with Jeff Tatarek’s Super Hyper Mega Bloody Ultra Cosmo Death Extravaganza X-23 since he saw that before he saw this. All of Megazone 23 is always included as part of those sales ADV has every other week or so, so you should be able to get this for about $6.

Promo: R5 Central (1:06:39 – 1:07:39)
Mike informs us that over on the R5 Central Myspace page there’s some TRUE TOKUSATSU FAN who’s quite up in arms over the comments Daryl made in Episode 33 of R5 Central. We were going to reprint those comments here, but the Myspace code is so shoddy and the layout is so astonishly unreadable that trying to perform a Find on the page causes errors in the browser. However did that site get so massively popular anyway? People who use Livejournal (such as Clarissa) may be terrifying, but at least the underlying software is good.

Review: Hades Project Zeorymer (1:07:39 – 1:23:59)
Clarissa tackles this 4-part mecha OAV that’s over before you know it. Robot fans only for this one: regular, well-adjusted humans need not apply. It’s two DVDs, but now that CPM’s catalog titles are all so cheap, you can probably get both discs for about $12 in all. Man, Clarissa really does get the best emails and voicemails. We were thinking of just looping the part at the end Max Headroom style, but we wouldn’t want to steal the spotlight from Don Imus.

Closing (1:23:59 – 1:27:51)
This episode was recorded about three weeks ago, and we noted that we were all about to find ourselves with a decided lack of spare time due to work, school, conventions, and such. That is what’s currently happening right now, which is the real reason for this episode coming out as late as it did. Next time won’t be a typically structured show, since it’ll consist of two fairly long segments that reasonable podcasters would have released as their own separate episodes. First, we’re going to talk all about anime bootlegging since we’ve discovered that a lot of people don’t realize that a lot of anime and anime-related merchandise aren’t legitimate goods. We’re an audio show, but hopefully we’ll be able to give some pointers for how to identify this stuff. Second, we’ve put it off for far too long: we’re going to talk about the journal Mechademia, as seen on our sidebar. This is a journal of academic writings pertaining to anime and the like, so we’re not too well-equipped for the task. But we’re going to do it anyway, and we’re going to talk about pretty much every single paper in there. It won’t be pretty.