Anime World Order Show # 85d – The Art of Osamu Tezuka: It’ll Stop a Bullet

Clarissa wraps things up by reviewing the hardcover edition (with DVD) of this new coffee table style book by Helen McCarthy. Filled with a variety of never-before-seen pictures from the life and times of Japan’s “God of Manga,” this book is totally worth buying via this link so that we can make like forty cents commission. Remember: it’ll stop a bullet! Disclaimer: the AWO makes no guarantees as to the the size or caliber of the bullet that this book can stop.

Anime World Order Show # 85c – Nobody’s Seen Bobby’s Girl

On the subject of things that a few years ago were impossible to find but can now be easily acquired via BitTorrent, in part 3 of Show 85 Gerald reviews Bobby’s Girl, a forgotten classic of the 1980s. Fairly light on dialogue and somewhat experimental in its overall approach, it encapsulates a great number of different animation styles within its fairly short running time.