Anime World Order Show # 214 – Ego Hat, You’ve Ruined My Life

(yes, we know it’s not actually Godzooky but there are no 1080p images of Godzooky)

It’s our annual Thanksgiving trivia episode! We’re joined this time by the highly versatile writer Kara Dennison (@RubyCosmos), who in addition to writing prose fiction also contributes to Crunchyroll and Otaku USA as well as a bunch of other places we can’t remember. As Lupin the Third would say, compared to her we’re stumblebums.

Introduction (0:00 – 17:32)
We talk to Kara about her endeavors, like how she contributed to a Sherlock Holmes anthology, helped officially subtitle Mazinger Z, and how she’s been diving into Digimon and Lupin the Third lately. The conversation eventually turns towards old parody dubs and we start reminiscing about Roadbusted. It’s on YouTube now!

Trivia Round One (17:32 – 1:19:27)
Technical problems won’t hold us back from disappointing you again, though it does mean that Gerald had to omit the audio category. Although Daryl can cue up and play audio files to a voice call with ease, that’s because he has audio interface hardware and it’s trickier to do purely through software means because you can think everything is working during solo/single person tests but it doesn’t once multiple users are present. The questions, as usual, are contributed by LISTENERS LIKE YOURSELVES so be sure to listen along and lambast us for not knowing simple things that you definitely know the answer to. Alternatively, be AMAZED at the things we do know the answers to! I’m sure some of you out there are like that, anyway.

Promo: Right Stuf Anime (1:19:27 – 1:21:55)
It’s the annual weekly Black Friday sale, where pretty much everything is on sale. Look for bundle package deals for manga, DVDs/Blu-Rays, and even figurines. Best of all, the free shipping limit is (for now) once again back to the pre-COVID value of $50! Why, you could just preorder GaoGaiGar and hit that threshold (or be a few dollars shy if you save the additional 10% with the Got Anime? membership).

Trivia Round Two (1:21:55 – 2:04:22)
For the second round, you’ll get to delight yourself listening to us try and pronounce words in French, discuss the finer distinctions between Superbook and The Flying House, and everybody’s favorite thing: us hating on Sola Digital Arts. You know, the typical AWO experience!

Anime World Order Show # 213 – The Gang Doubles Down on Spreading Misinformation About Yoshiyuki Tomino

Because we just don’t have enough randos blaming us singlehandedly for American anime fandom’s ignorance, we’ve decided to talk about the theatrical film Mobile Suit Gundam: Cucuruz Doan’s Island, a remake of the “lost episode” of the original Mobile Suit Gundam series.

Intro (0:00 – 49:55)
The gauntlet of quality that is the current anime season is upon us, and we spend the first half of the intro simply running down what we’re currently watching. For once, only a very small amount of it is not from what’s ongoing as of this recording. Daryl and Gerald will be attending Anime Weekend Atlanta 2022 this week. Gerald has two 18+ offerings: Hentai of the 80s and 90s at 12:30 AM Thursday (technically it’s Friday but schedule wise that’s considered “Thursday night”), and then Anime in Non-Anime at midnight Friday. Then on Sunday at 12:45 PM, Daryl has the all-ages Thirty Years Ago: Anime in 1992.

For the second half of the intro, we talk about a topic that’s coming up more and more frequently now that the multi-billion dollar corporations own more and more of the US anime industry: the issue of worker pay (and the lack thereof). While most visible with regards to voice actors, this is widespread throughout which leads to the question: who’s seeing the benefits of anime’s elevated prominence, anyway?

Promo: Right Stuf Anime (49:55 – 52:43)
With Halloween upon us, this week is the time that Junji Ito hardcover manga editions are on sale. But that’s not all; you can also the um, not at all spooky Yotsuba&! at a solid discount, and with Tatami Time Machine Blues about to be released stateside on Disney+, the current sale for The Night is Short, Walk On Girl is timely indeed. You know what else is timely, considering this review? The fact that all of the Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin manga is back in print!

Review: Mobile Suit Gundam: Cucuruz Doan’s Island (52:43 – 2:08:07)

There I was, holed up on this island, when the Zeon came nosing around. They was gettin’ closer, CLOSER! “And?” I threw a ROCK at him! …it was a big rock…

Just as Umberto Eco noted that a common feature among fascists is that “by a continuous shifting of rhetorical focus, the enemies are at the same time too strong and too weak,” so too is the Anime World Order podcast a thing listened to by nobody hosted by nobodies whose articles are read by nobody yet simultaneously somehow responsible for the bad rep of Yoshiyuki Tomino among the English-speaking anime fanbase. (We prefer to think it was widespread availability of the cartoons that did that one.) So it goes that despite the fact that multiple entire podcasts dedicated to Mobile Suit Gundam exist, we give our own account of what may very well be the final film of Yoshikazu “YAS” Yasuhiko: a lavish, movie-length retelling of episode 15 of the first Mobile Suit Gundam TV series (which to this day is not legally available to view in the United States by personal request of Yoshiyuki Tomino), only this time it’s done without Tomino’s involvement and YAS isn’t hospitalized from overwork. We actually don’t start talking about the movie itself until 1:28:14 because we need to spend about 40 minutes on slander.

Meme-ified images from episode 15 are all over the Internet, particularly Thinzaku here.
Here’s how Doan’s Zaku looks in the movie. [guy who has only ever seen Armored Trooper VOTOMS] Getting a lot of Armored Trooper VOTOMS vibes from this
No off-model robots here; now any proportional changes are by design!
No amount of jank can prevent soft boy Amuro from shining through
One of many instances of “show, don’t tell.” We know, in this modern light novel-infused era, such a practice is frowned upon. NOT BY US, THOUGH.