Anime World Order Show # 34 – Haibane Renmei, Captain Harlock, and Chun Li’s Tatas

Finally, a normal format episode again! Gerald lets us know all about the uncut version of Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie, Clarissa kicks it old school with My Youth in Arcadia (aka Arcadia of My Youth), and Daryl offers his own unique insight on Haibane Renmei!

Next week is Anime Weekend Atlanta! We’ll all be in attendance; be sure to attend Daryl’s Panel OF DOOM Saturday night, and if you REALLY love punishment, stop by at the Anime Podcasting panel on Sunday morning at 11 AM. Don’t worry, the Waverly offers late checkout.

Introduction (0:00 – 24:02)
We don’t mind that Chris Sabat is the voice of like, every other character in Funimation’s dubs since face it, he’s one of the best actors they got there anyway. We answer more emails here than we got through in the entire last episode, and it seems that a few people are actually watching the shows we discuss! First off, relatively new anime fan Milla writes in to tell us her thoughts on They Were Eleven (reviewed in Show # 5) and Genshiken (Show # 22). As a public service announcement, Daryl reminds everyone that the Television Without Pity forums and website is 90% female, 100% stupidity. Dedicated listener Erwin writes in to tell us about how much he’s enjoying Monster after hearing our review, and the Ninja Consultants need to watch Voltes V. Alex writes in to let Daryl know that he watched Fist of the North Star per his recommendations, not knowing that it’s an anime where people’s heads explode. Clearly Daryl has failed on his mission, so it’s up to Tim Eldred to school us all by talking about how there’s a Roman Album for the first Fist of the North Star movie in what will be a trilogy (plus two).

Let’s News! (24:02 – 35:02)
They’re making four more Evangelion movies. That’s what the modern-day Gainax does best: coast along on the glory and reputation of their previous successes. Works like a charm, seeing as we spent 11 minutes talking about just this. But who knows? Maybe they’ll surprise us and shut down the fanservice aspect of Evangelion once and for all! And then go bankrupt. Again.

Promo: Weekly Anime Review (35:02 – 35:36)
After a lengthy summer hiatus, Aaron is back and he’s hitting on all cylinders with reviews of Angel’s Egg, Castle of Cagliostro, and…uh, Speed Grapher. Fine, so someone else mailed him the Angel’s Egg review, but it’s not like WE’VE done a review of that, now have we?! Why the heck is that? What is it we’re talking about that’s so much more important than Angel’s Egg, huh?!

Review: Street Fighter II the Animated Movie (uncut) (35:36 – 56:55)
Oh. Man, if this keeps up, we won’t be able to keep pretending to have the anime intellectual high ground when the other anime podcasts are continually beating us to discussing Wings of Honneamise, Tezuka’s experimental short films, Angel’s Egg, and so on! And without that, we’re nothing, you hear me? NOTHING! Be that as it may, Street Fighter II is probably the best of the “fighting game to anime” adaptations. Not like that’s exactly hard, but hey.

Review: My Youth in Arcadia [Arcadia of My Youth] (56:55 – 1:21:36)
Clarissa struggled hard with this one, knowing full well that Captain Harlock is one of the most iconic characters in all of anime and that she’d better do him justice. Of course, despite being one of the most iconic anime characters, we guarantee you that if you showed most anime fans a picture of Harlock and said “who is this guy,” they would not know, so now you know the reason why this segment had to happen. This ran pretty long, so all the bits about Daryl talking about how Leiji Matsumoto is still really mad about World War 2 have been excised because they were irrelevant. In its place is even more audio from the Ziv International dub. A vast improvement if ever there was one.

Promo: Blood, Crack, and Anime (1:21:36 – 1:22:39)
Wait, did he say “in a world fermented by jaded oldschoolers”? It’s a bit hard to hear him over “Invoke.” Wow, how many anime podcasts have been started thanks to the Anime Pulse podcast’s forums anyway? Anyway, “One Sin” and “Saito-chan” (real names unknown) have released two episodes (plus one Gundam SEED karaoke) so far, so let them know what you think! We actually haven’t written them back yet ourselves, but GAAAAAAH OH CRAP ANIME WEEKEND ATLANTA IS IN SEVEN DAYS

Review: (1:22:39 – 1:40:52)
Daryl reviews one of the most beloved “slice of life” anime series of the last five years. A lot of people are super-duper fans of this show, and lots of them listen to this podcast. This will go well.

  • Reki’s Imco lighter – I believe the model pictured is the Imco 6700 Super: you can use Zippo lighter fluid with this and even disassemble and reassemble it while having it remain lit

Closing (1:40:52 – 1:43:45)
Next time, in an effort to imbue humor to a man who has none (due to his heritage, you see), Gerald will be reviewing Cromartie High School. Is Cromartie funnier than Gerald is dull? TIME WILL TELL! Clarissa continues on the ABe route–the two capital letters in the name is assuredly a pornstar name gimmick waiting to happen–by reviewing the much-requested Serial Experiments Lain, and Daryl realizes that he’d better justify that press badge by telling everyone THE TRUTH about Metrocon 2006 before Metrocon: Amano’s World happens later this year. Oh, who are we kidding? THE TRUTH doesn’t justify anything.

Anime World Order Show # 33 – Listener Feedback with Dave Merrill, Fandom Hero

In our longest podcast to date, we were supposed to get caught up on responding to listener feedback with our special guest, the now-retired head of Anime Weekend Atlanta / Corn Pone Flicks member / Anime Hell founder / comicbook creator / Totally Lame Anime expert / co-creator / no longer a “Cap’n,” Dave Merrill. But we got too preoccupied with having him impart his wisdom to us so that our kung fu might become stronger. Oh, and we did this interview on his birthday.

Introduction (0:00 – 1:15)
Shortest introduction ever! Or perhaps it’s the longest, considering what this episode is!

Let’s News! (1:15 – 24:02)
Fine, so we’re weeks late in getting to this. Bandai issued a press release warning everyone that if they fansub Ghost in the Shell: Solid State Society, they’d be prepared to dispatch lawyers in order to defend their intellectual property. While they’re perfectly right to do so from a legal perspective, we weigh in on the significance of such an action and whether or not what they’re trying to do is actually harmful to them in the long run. Comparisons to the MPAA and RIAA result, which leads to us talking about the effectiveness of their anti-piracy efforts and what could be done. Nikkei BP did an article on the state of Japan’s animation industry, which is to say “not that great.” Finally, Bandai follows up their Liver Blow that was the fansub warning with this Gazelle Punch: they’re not going to allow exchanges of the old Zeta Gundam DVDs from the box set (the ones with awful subtitles) for the newer Zeta Gundam DVDs included in the individual sets (which have fixed subtitles). Daryl bought that set, and he is less than thrilled over this development.

Promo: Rangercast (24:02 – 24:47)
The sentai panel at Otakon was probably one of the best ones there, and this podcast is run by the guy who ran that panel. If it’s true about TV-Nihon wanting this guy gone because he DARED to suggest that Mighty Morphin Power Rangers is sentai, then tokusatsu fandom is in even worse shape than we would have imagined.

Then we talked to Dave for the rest of the show. Additional show notes to come, but for now I’ll throw in the promo times.

Promo: R5 Central (1:05:12 – 1:06:16)
Speaking of tokusatsu, Mike made us a custom promo based upon the fact that Daryl lost his mind hearing that robot girl “Ai” voice being used for extended periods of time during his three-part Anime Central report. The observation that Gerald’s voice sounds as though Carl Macek is directing his words is entirely his own, though it is an idea not without merit. Man. One of these days we should get back to making political attack ads against the other podcasts.

Promo: GeekNights (1:39:59 – 1:41:05)
We have been informed that the promo we chose to play is actually the promo they made which was intentionally bad and meant to prevent people from wanting to listen. We have one of those too, actually. It is also our only promo. Anyway, check out Rym and Scott’s show. They’re a dynamic [100% heterosexual] duo for the new millennium.

Promo: Anime Pulse (2:01:03 – 2:01:33)
Do you know how frightening it is to have to write that timecode? DO YOU?! Old Man Chigo is the aspect of the Anime Pulse promos that we here at the Anime World Order relate to best. Even though they’re older than we are.

Closing (2:15:12 – 2:23:02)
Next time, we’re going to do a normal show for once! Remember those? The ones WITHOUT con reports or guests, where we talked about anime and stuff? Gerald’s reviewing the uncut version of Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie, Clarissa’s tackling that mad outlaw Captain Harlock as she tells us all about Arcadia of My Youth, and Daryl steps up to his role as a Certified Anime Authority by reviewing the much-requested Haibane Renmei. Also, Gerald makes an outlandish bet which he didn’t realize was stacked horrendously against him until it was too late. Fortunately it will NEVER come to pass. Never ever.