Anime World Order Show # 173 – 100 Years of Yuri with Most Dangerous Erica Friedman, Yuri Bodhisattva


Two episodes ago we told you to go check out Erica Friedman and her blog Okazu, but much like a rogue outlaw space idol singer this Most Dangerous Erica has come to us so that we can talk about the 2018 yuri anime Kase-san and Morning Glories.

Introduction (0:00 – 39:35)
On Saturday, April 6th 2019 we’ll be doing a retro anime videogame charity stream on Gerald’s Twitch channel starting around 1 PM Eastern or thereabouts. Here’s a VOD of last year’s, to give you an idea. We are once again raising money for War Child UK as part of RE-PLAY, and while we won’t rake in those big Yogscast bucks, every little bit helps. Gerald will be making another brisket.

But that’s not what this segment is about! We talk to Erica about her myriad of accomplishments as far as bringing information about yuri to the English-speaking anime fanbase for over 20 years and counting! Sailor Moon and Utena discussion will ensue throughout. Please note that a yuri Bodhisattva does not attain “yuri Buddhahood.” Rather, they become “the lesbian Go Nagai.” Erica’s run conventions, publishing companies, a really comprehensive blog as linked to above, and of course panels to the point where for years we (okay, just Daryl) associated her raw power level with the Mike Awesome theme song, which we would have used as her intro music here except Mike Awesome has been dead for several years. Also, she may or may not have once upon a time had the same hair as Mike Awesome. 

Promo: Right Stuf Anime (39:35 – 42:10)
The wait is over, as Seven Seas Entertainment has now released all five volumes of the Kase-san manga from which this anime is derived. We also recommend getting your preorder in for Gundam: The Origin – Chronicle of the Loum Battlefield Collection and the Limited Edition of Space Battleship Yamato 2202 Part 1. But, since there’s currently a Sentai Filmworks sale going, you may want to grab the entirety of the original Armored Trooper VOTOMS TV series plus compilation films for $29.99.

Review: Kase-san and Morning Glories (42:10 – 1:27:59)
This review is almost “pulling a Gerald” since it’s a title that is, so far, not licensed for release in the United States with no legal streaming availability for which we’re all just going to talk about how incredibly great it is. What’s more, the link that we ordered it from (Amazon JP) currently lists it as out of stock with a restock estimate of “1 to 2 months.” That said, even if you import it from Japan it is NOT outrageously expensive since it’s a Pony Canyon release (plus you get a bunch of nice extras), and it DOES include a professional quality English subtitle track. This one hour OVA/theatrical anime adaptation of Hiromi Takashima’s manga from roughly Volume 3 on (available both in print and digital) is quite different from so many other yuri anime in that it begins at the point where most of them conclude, and between its narrative focus and stellar production values Erica declares this a must-see and own. Kase-san and Morning Glories has screened at multiple anime conventions in the US, so a domestic release seems a question of “when” more than “if.” 

Anime World Order Show # 172 – It is NOT Jim Carrey or Cary Elwes Saying You’re SCARED of The Claw

This is a steak.

As promised in Show 170, we’re fulfilling the latest donation marker met by once again are reviewing a listener suggestion as Daryl and gang talk about the 2005 sci-fi western series, Gun x Sword.

Introduction (0:00 – 28:38)
Daryl was a guest on the Blake and Spencer Get Jumped podcast (they’ll be Press at Anime Central this year!), where they asked him on to talk about 1998’s Spriggan: The Movie. He was also a guest on the latest episode of Ani-Gamers chipping in on their review of the 2019 live-action feature film Alita: Battle Angel, a movie which has been in development for about as long as Spriggan is old. On the subject of Jump-related things, we take this opportunity to hate on Jump Force (which due to developer ineptitude is accidentally open source; the mods to replace Vegeta with Ultra Instinct Shaggy are already out) and wish that City Hunter was more readily available in the US.  Whatever happened to those Chinese movie adaptations they said they were making like, three years ago, anyway?

On that note, in the emails we talk about the effect of Chinese government censorship on the entertainment which we consume. This is now extending over into anime, and people should probably give it far more weight and discussion than they currently do since it’s got a way bigger effect than a couple of people sending Tweets at light novel authors on your entertainment. Besides, if you want to talk about the real effect of Twitter on your anime/manga/light novel entertainment, it’d be the tweets the authors make themselves…

Promo: Right Stuf Anime (28:38 – 33:08)
The current sale is for FUNimation titles, which means it’s a gigantic one. Everything–including Gun x Sword–is on sale and everything beats the Amazon pricing, some much more so than others. We picked out a few titles you might be interested in; as always, if you visit their site through our affiliate links, we get a small commission.

Review: Gun x Sword (33:08 – 1:35:48)

This is the second half of our Twitch donation goal marker incentive. We contemplated leaving it at just Judge, but we elected to also take on a TV series closer to the 26 episode limit. Goro Taniguchi these days is best known for Code Geass, but this is the series he made just before that. At first glance, it’s easy to write this one off as a Trigun copycat, as most people did since the resemblance is not accidental, but is that all there is to it? Daryl had tried to conceal the fact that Gun x Sword is in fact a giant robot show–this detail is also concealed on practically all US promotional materials–but the prominent inclusion of Gun x Sword in the upcoming Super Robot Wars T ruined the surprise.