Anime World Order Show # 144 – If We Edit Nothing, An Episode Can Come Out This Month

The following episode contains zero edits whatsoever to remove microphone pops, crosstalk, dead air, us saying “um” / “y’know” / clearing our throats constantly, or in any way make the listening experience palatable or enjoyable. There are times we said “we’ll put that in afterwards” in which that does not occur. Releasing a podcast on Leap Day has that sort of effect.

Introduction (0:00 – 26:00)
In the emails we talk about important issues, such as how the Ninja Slayers novels compare to the animation, the mad unbridled genius that is Tetsuya Saruwatari, and somehow…Type Moon visual novels?! One of these things is not like the other!

Promo: Right Stuf Anime (26:00 – 29:27)
Listen. There is no time to edit this down to typical ad length. Not when the sale this week is for Discotek stuff. Time is of the essence.

Review: Initial D…technically 4th Stage, but in actuality the entirety of Initial D from now until the heat death of the universe (29:27 – 2:02:32)
So. We reviewed Initial D. It was one of the things that the Twitch stream requested we do. The result is no doubt exactly what the requester predicted. After this, I do not foresee people sending in donations to have us review other things outside of the backlog of what we are owed, especially since no editing took place whatsoever. So be it.

Anime World Order Show # 143 – Ten Years After (Juunen Go No!) Watashi Wa Doushiteru Darou?

It’s our ten year anniversary…or rather, our first show since passing that! We had nothing planned to mark the occasion, so we figured we’d just do a year in review summary of 2015 with regards to noteworthy shows. In so doing, we forgot to mention several, like Snow White with the Red Hair. That’s just how we operate. Still.

Introduction (0:00 – 20:42)
We mostly spend this time doing a victory lap, reading a small excerpt of the congratulations that we received…okay fine, this is close to all that were sent via email. But we got more by way of social media and stuff that we just didn’t read! Really. Honest. What’s changed since we started? What stayed the same? We try not to dwell on such things for too long, lest we realize how much everyone’s progressed while we’ve remained still.

Promo: Nozomi Entertainment (20:42 – 22:05)
Go back to our earlier episodes and you’ll find a fair amount of us lamenting how certain classic series never saw the light of day in the US. Thanks to Nozomi Entertainment, that list is a whole lot shorter now than ever before, plus several of those titles are available to be watched streaming. Zeta Gundam Blu-Ray preorders are due to be shipping out soon, so head on over to Right Stuf to get yours. That reminds us: we’ve got a fair share of Got Anime? memberships to give away. We should start doing that throughout the year, huh.

2015 in Review (22:05 – 2:04:00)
Contrary to what you may have heard on the Internet, 2015 was a pretty great year for Japanese animation. We each listed 25-30 titles and spoke briefly on them in the process. Perhaps you were overwhelmed by choice and had no idea what to even dip your toes into? This may help.

Conclusion (2:04:00 – 2:11:41)
Next time, we’re shifting into gear so to speak as we deliver upon one of our donation-requested review titles: Initial D 4th Stage. In the meantime, Daryl was a guest on GME! Anime Fun Time to talk about One-Punch Man (you might say that after a year of exile, he broke out of podcast prison to be with them) and contributed an article to the Cubed Circle Wrestling Yearbook for 2015. This in turn led to him being given a ballot for the Voices of Wrestling 2015 Match of the Year polling, where he found out he was only roughly 50% out of touch with the Internet smark consensus. Listen: Dragon Gate and Lucha Underground are the best, THEN New Japan, and Bayley vs Sasha doesn’t even merit a Top 10 spot, okay?!