Anime World Order Show # 109 – We Have Finally Reached the Mystery Frequency

In a rare deviation from our usual set of hijinks, Clarissa isn’t around and we review a NEW show for a change as Gerald espouses the merits of Shoji Kawamori’s latest venture, AKB0048.

Update: A lot of people are having trouble seeing the download link. This is an issue brought about with the latest versions of Adobe Flash, which handles the on-page player and text link. For now, you can click here to download.

Introduction (0:00 – 43:24)
Clarissa isn’t with us this time around, so that means it’s time to PAR-TAY by reading the emails asking us about the deeper meanings behind Violence Jack or the lack thereof. That also means it’s time to slag on graduate level anime academia now that she isn’t around to defend her life’s pursuit. The last anti-Clarissa topic we indulge ourselves in has to do with what anime is good to watch with your dad.

Promo: Method to Madness (43:24 – 44:17)
The last time, we thought we had played the most recent promo for these guys. Turns out that we played the old one with the old URL. So we’re fixing that. Their latest episode is about the Rock-a-Fire explosion documentary. That guy lives right in Orlando. Also, we watched that documentary at like 2 AM to ring in the new year.

Review: AKB0048 (44:17 – 1:19:09)
Remember this exchange in Patlabor the Movie 2?
“I understand there’s a 98% hit ratio using the fire control system.”
“And what if your FCS is malfunctioning?”
“Sir? Police Labor activities are normally conducted in pairs.”
“And what if your partner’s Labor is disabled?”
“But the odds against that are a million to one…”
“Training to prepare for that one in a million is our job as cops, YOU MORON!”

Our experience with AKB0048 is the anime equivalent of that.

Closing (1:19:09 – 1:32:10)
We’ll try and record some more things pretty soon, though we don’t know when Clarissa will be around. As noted, the Colony Drop fanzine is now free as a digital download. Also, if you must know, Daryl did stream 2 hours of Japanese pro wrestling which was never released in the US and was from largely defunct companies…but was promptly perma-banned from and Twitch (he wasn’t even USING Twitch!) 30 minutes later anyway. Both by account and by IP. So much for THAT idea.

Anime World Order Show # 108 – I, G, Kickstart Their Art, Give It a Start

Clarissa is occupied with schoolwork, so substituting as her is Paul Chapman from Otaku USA Magazine and the Greatest Movie EVER! podcast. He wrote an eBook short fiction collection and we forgot to mention it. In this episode, we talk about our time at Anime Weekend Atlanta 2012, Daryl reviews The Drops of God manga, and we totally don’t guilt/anger-trip you over the Production IG Kick-Heart Kickstarter. That’s it. Nothing else happened.

Introduction and Con Report: Anime Weekend Atlanta (0:00 – 54:30)
Damn. Just look at that timecode. Under normal circumstances we’d release that as its own podcast. BUT NOT TODAY. The three of us went to Anime Weekend Atlanta 2012 and dangit, we got things to SAY. But first, we read an email from a young child with a dream. Or maybe we didn’t and are just saying we did. You know, like how Daryl said he was going to write a Panel OF DOOM! report for the Anime Hell blog but never did.

Promo: Fightbait (54:30 – 55:08)
Multiple segments means we can actually have a space to play promos again! That devious Jean-Paul and his French-Canadian-ness is certainly not to be trusted, but look at Mr. Work Ethic and Mr. Sound Quality Improvements over there. Thinking he’s all that just because he’s shouting about the pedobait in underwear tank cartoon. WELL. I GUESS.

Review: The Drops of God (manga) (55:08 – 1:36:49)
Daryl hasn’t actually done reviews in quite some time, but in recognition of the fact that the Most Dangerous Ed Chavez is making Vertical Inc manage to do what Viz never could he figured it’s time to review this manga. Don’t be fooled by most of what you’ve ever read from the manga blogging community about this. Dispel those thoughts now, and let us reveal what this comic is REALLY about. Oh, that’s what some of them said too? HA. I’D SURE LIKE TO SEE EVIDENCE OF THAT, YES SIR-REE.

Promo: Method to Madness (1:36:49 – 1:37:35)
Feeling like you need some more mecha reviews in your podcasts lately? Gerald has declared November a month for building mecha model kits (pick one and just do it! Dammit, he even MADE A TUMBLR), but Sean and Kevin are doing a three-part series named OctoboRoboFest in which their next string of episodes will all review what they deem to be a silly robot anime. First up on their list? Godannar. A truly awesome mecha show, perhaps despite itself. Daryl likes it, anyway.

Conclusion (1:37:45 – 1:55:53)
We close things off by talking about Kick-Heart, the crowd-funded animation project from Production IG and Masaaki Yuasa. In the past we’ve reviewed Mind Game as well as Kemonozume and Kaiba, so you can bet that we backed this sucker the instant we saw it, despite the fact that it was posted as we’d arrived back from AWA and it was like 5:00 AM. A lot of other anime fans are less enthusiastic about this since they’re not keen on the premise, the creator, and/or the notion of “you mean I should pledge money to something I don’t care about with the idea that MAYBE later, someone will do something I do like?” Those people don’t understand that being first to try something carries greater weight as far as demonstrating viability is concerned. I bet they’re the kinds of people who watch anime they hate just so they can be mad about it online.

That’s it. Nothing else happened. Whatever you do, don’t tell Clarissa if your media player says the total running time of this episode is 2:05:31. That’s uh…that’s just variable bit-rate trickery. Either that or the greatest moment in podcasting history. It’s one of those.